Limited Time

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Rod and Historia went back down and I was exhausted. Rod had left to go get something while Historia stayed.

"(Y/n). Are you okay?" Historia asks. I don't move or make any noise. "I didn't know that would happen. I shouldn't have done that." I look up at her slightly and look back down.

Footsteps are heard approaching our way. It was probably Rod coming back from collecting what he wanted. I look up to see him holding a case.

He puts a hand on Historia's shoulder, "Would you like to meet your sister?"

"What?" she asks.

"She may be dead but she isn't entirely dead. Her memories still live on." he explains.

"I would love that." Historia says.

The man reaches into the bag and reveals a box. Inside that box, there was a syringe with a long needle. It looked familiar?

The man prepared it and filled it up with a purple liquid. Eren didn't seem so happy about it and started to move around, trying to signal them to stop. He tries to speak but is restricted my the mouth piece so he only makes humming sounds.

I hear multiple explosions and gunshots coming from the distance. I sensed Levi nearby. He had a very cold and sinister sense to him so I definitely knew it was him. The scouts had come to save us.

"The enemy has arrived." Rod says. "So let's hurry."

"yes father." Historia agrees. Eren continues to make as much noise as he can and then looks up at me. I was confused. "What's wrong Eren?" she asks.

"It's because he knows they have met their fate." Rod answers for him. My eyes widen as I glare down. "We need to take back what was rightfully ours from Eren, and then take (Y/n)'s power too." Eren still tries to say something.

"What?" Historia asks.

"A century ago, this cavern was made with the same material as Wall Maria, Rose and Sina. Frieda Reiss possessed more than just a titan. She knew all the details about the world and life outside the walls. Here, 8 years ago, all that knowledge became hers and she was only 15 years old after she ate her uncle. Frieda inherited the Founding titan just like how it has been for 100 years - one of us turn into a titan and eat the holder of the power." Rod explains to her.

"Are you telling me that I need to..." Historia pauses.

"Yes. There wouldn't have been any problems if Frieda would've used her power. We could've even beaten all the titans from this world. But because his father claimed that power from her after eating her, Eren is currently holding it, so we need to reclaim it into the Reiss family." Rod says.

I look at Eren. "Were they planning to eat him? Were they planning to eat me?!" I ask myself.

"Hey, hey, hey!" a voice interrupts. Kenny stood in-front of Rod. "So if someone else eats Eren and they are not a Reiss, they can't truly become king?" he asks.

"Precisely." Rod answers.

"If the current king was a fake and only a true royal can eat Eren and become a real king or queen after... Does that mean Historia is next to become queen?" I ask myself.

"If I end up eating Eren it won't mean anything?!" Kenny asks again.

"What are you suggesting?" Rod asks before he is lifted up by the collar by Kenny.

He holds his gun up to Rod's head. "You used me all these years, knowing what I wanted in return!"

"Hey!" Historia grabs the gun and pulls it away. "Leave my father alone!"

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