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I suddenly feel three sets of arms against my body. One set was holding me back from under my arms and the other two were holding my arms out to the side.

"We won't let you do that, (Y/n)!" A voice yells.

I look back and see my friends holding me - Connie was behind me and Jean and Sasha were holding my arms to the side.

The two, that were holding my arms, loosened my grip of my swords and made my blades drop to the floor.

I start to flail my legs around and shout. "I was so close! Let me back at him! Let go of me now!"

"We can't do that (Y/n)!" Jean tells me.

"Stop struggling so much! Just calm down!" Connie says.

"I have been in this situation so many times! Just let me go!" I start to struggle more.

"Hange! She is too strong! She will be loose any second now!" Connie shouts.

We all watch as Levi opens the box with the syringe. Mikasa let's out an agonising scream. It was really painful to listen to.

I made up my mind. "Give it to Armin!" I shout. "Erwin doesn't have much more of a life to live for whereas Armin is young!"

"We need the Commander! He is our only way out of this mess!" Hange yells over the screams of Mikasa.

"Don't you think Armin could do it too?!" I ask.

"Erwin is experienced!" Hange argues with me.

"But Armin isn't going to become Commander! You are Hange! Erwin said you would! It depends whether you're experienced!" I shout.

"I agree with Hange." Floch starts to talk again. "Erwin is more experienced!"

"You thought I was done with you and now you can say what you want. Hate to break it to you but I'm bloody well not!" I shout at him. "Let go of me Connie!"

"I can't do that." He tells me.

"Levi! Tell them to let go!" I say. He doesn't say anything and looks away. "You son of a bastard."

"We are going back, (Y/n). Let's go." Connie tells me.

"No! I am not going!" I shout. Connie's hand appears in-front of my face and I bite on it.

"Ow!" He yelps. His grip loosens on me and I slip my arms back through Jean's and Sasha's grasp.

I grab one of my swords and charge towards Floch.

"Damn it! Watch out Floch!" Jean shouts.

"Hange!" Connie yells.

"Switch!" I hear Hange order. What did she mean by that?

I lift my sword above my head, one again, and try to kill Floch. I start to lower my sword towards him until I hear quick footsteps approach me. I look over to see Hange sprint to me.

She tackles me over from the side of my torso and we both fall down. She lands on top of me.

I try to reach for my swords but she grabs my arms and pins them against the roof tiles.

I look over at Mikasa and she looked like she was tired. She must've had enough of all this crap. Jean held her from behind so she wouldn't fall. Connie was holding Sasha on his back - I had probably made her fall and hit her head again. They all eventually decided to get to safety and fly away.

"Listen to me! You should give it to Armin—!" I say.

"Maybe you should listen to me!" Hange yells. This made me quiet. "Erwin can actually lead us! He is experienced and he has great plans!"

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