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"What are you talking about (Y/n)? I didn't hear anything." Eren says.

"Then you better get your ears checked! I'm telling you I heard 'Armin' gasp!" I yell.

I run up to the corpse and kneel next to it. I look down on it and spectate it's facial features. It's teeth were against each other and it's eyes were closed. I knew it was...

"Armin." I say quietly. "I know you're alive. Wake up." I tell him.

I hear footsteps approach me and I feel someone put their hand on my head and bring it to their chest.

"When you lose someone close to you, you will be certain to not believe it or you will hear things that aren't there." I look across to see Levi looking at me.

"It is not like that, Levi." I snap at him. "I know what I heard and I am not going to doubt it! He is alive and I know it! I feel it!"

He lets go of me and walks to the edge of the roof. He sits down and doesn't say anything. I look over at Eren who seemed to be looking sad. What more should I have expected? He just lost one of his best friends.

I walk up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "Please tell me you believe me. You do don't you?!" I ask. He turns away. I give off a nervous laugh. "You truly are some useless bastards."

Suddenly, another gasp is heard coming from the body. Me and Eren slowly look over.

"Yes. Yes I do believe you." Eren says as he runs over and I follow behind him.

"Armin! Stay alive!" I shout.

"Wake up! Wake the hell up!" Eren yells while hovering over him.


The commander stood in-front of the dinner hall with all the recruits and newest soldiers watching him. Levi and other high-ranked soldiers, such as Hange, stood besides Erwin.

I sat down with Eren, Armin and Mikasa on a table away from everyone else.

"This box contains a very important object." Erwin says. He unleashes a box and opens it up. There was an injection inside. It looked oddly familiar.

"That injection looks... like I have seen it before." I whisper. The trio looks at me. "Never mind." I say.

"The liquid inside this will allow any human to become a Titan, like Eren or (Y/n), if injected into the body." Erwin says.

It then came to me where I have seen that needle. I remember.

'The man reaches into the bag and reveals a box. Inside it was a syringe with a long needle. It looked familiar?

Rod prepared it and filled it with a purple liquid.'

Steam starts to rise from my head which seemed to catch everyone's attention.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" I hear Armin ask.

"Nothing." I reply.

"Something is clearly not alright. You can't really lie about your feelings now." Mikasa says.

"You guys really do pay attention don't you." I say with a smile. "I just recognise that needle and it bothers me a bit."

"Why does it bother you? It doesn't bother me and I remember it too." Eren says.

I give a little sigh. "I just can't believe I let myself almost get eaten that day."

"Don't beat yourself up for such a small thing." Armin says. "After all, you are alive aren't you?"

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