Trust..what's that?

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"Oi. Wake up. Hey!"

I wake up to the sound of a familiar voice. I get up and look around.

"Bars?" I think to myself.

It was cold. Very cold. I look to the side of me and see Levi and the others in separate cells around me.

"Where are we?" I ask them quietly.

"We were taken to some jail place by those sons of bitches" Isabel explains to me.

"How long was I out for?" I ask nervously.

"A couple hours. Now please, all of you shut up so I can think" Levi said in an angered voice.

Just as things were getting quiet, some familiar people came down the stairs. They were the scouts that stopped us?

"Get up. Someone would like to speak to you all." The girl said.

"No thanks" I recklessly replied with.

"It wasn't a question neither a choice" the second man said. He had a scar on his cheek which I assume he was the one I managed to hit.

We all sighed and got up from the floor. They took us by our cuffs and lead us outside one behind the other.

Someone was stood there. He was obviously pretty tall and had blonde slick hair.

We were forced on our knees infront of the man while being supervised by a scout.

I look around calmly as I look for an escape route. There was really nothing as there was no where to hide. It was just an empty space.

"Where did you get these?" The blonde asks holding up one of our 3dm gears.

We all kept quiet. Not willing to share any information. We did steal those anyway so there could be a chance we could be put in prison for theft.

"What were your intentions?" He continues.

Still no answer. I try to ignore the questions by imagining all the things i could do.

"Why were you running away?" He asks one more time.

One of the scouts takes Levi by the hair and forces his head against the ground.

"Hey! Let go of my big bro!" Isabel exclaims. She refers to him as big bro often, even I see their brother-sister bond.

I see Levi struggling against the scout and I don't take it lightly. I growl at him and make an attempt to stand up until the scout behind me grabs me by the hair and puts their blade against my neck. I look up at the scout in anger. I stare at them with my (e/c) eyes which read 'touch me or my friends and count yourself dead'.

The blonde makes eye contact with my eyes.

"Who taught you how to use these?" He continues. He specifically looks at me but I don't answer. I simply roll my eyes and look away.

"We are self taught sir!" Isabel breaks the silence.

Levi is then lifted by his hair by the scout with hair covering his eyes. He pants heavily which makes me angrier.

"I've got a request for you all. I would like you all to join the Survey Corps."

We all kept quiet for a few seconds until Levi said something shocking.

"I accept" he muttered.

We all looked at him in shock, not knowing why he actually said yes.

"Smart decision. If you had said no, we would've given you to the military police but now you have said yes, your talents will come in handy to us."

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