Declaration of War

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I felt something tug against my glove which made me quickly turn my head. It was Magath. Apparently, they had been asking me questions and trying to talk to me but I had zoned out and wasn't listening.

I looked outside the window to get a vague idea of where we were. I recognised the place we were at - near the hospital.

"Do you mind if I get off here?" I ask Willy.

"Why? You could end up late for your speech." He tells me.

"You go ahead and prepare for your play-thing. I will be quick and find my own way there."

"How exactly are you planning to get there?" Magath joins into the conversation.

"I said I will find my own way back, alone. It shouldn't concern you." I say.

Willy taps the wall behind him and the carriage stops. I open the door and jump out. Before I know it, the carriage heads off and leaves me behind.

I look around and see that the street was practically empty. It was very quiet apart from the chatters that were coming from the hospital from across the street.

My feet were aching from all the standing I did for a couple hours. I took off both of my heels and started to stroll towards the building. I hoped to see Eren there as he normally sits outside for some unknown reason.

There was one thing in my way though. There was a guard standing outside the hospital garden. I wasn't sure if he was going to let me in or not so I had to find out.

Just as I walk past him and I was almost able to go in, he steps in-front of me and stops me.

"Where do you think you are going? Visiting hours are over unless you know someone here." He tells me.

"I do know someone here. I demand you let me in." I reply.

"What I mean is if you are a relative or family. And who are you to tell me what to do?" He asks.

"I'm your queen. I can do whatever I want so let me in."

"Proof? You might be dressed up and everything but what proves you are queen?"

"Can you not see my massive-ass crown on my head?" I point to the crown that was still resting on my head.

"Okay. Where are your guards? Where is your carriage?" He questions.

I stayed quiet.

I needed an excuse to try get past. Me and Eren looked way too different to be siblings. I looked too young to be his mother and I definitely couldn't pretend to be his father. So there was only one option left.

"Listen here." I take a deep breath in. "I don't have the time to be talking to nobodies like you. Move out of the way."

I see a tall figure from behind the man get closer to us. It had turquoise eyes, long brown hair and half a leg. It was Eren.

"I could get you arrested for saying that!" The guard slightly yells.

"And I could get you killed. I would also have you know that I'm here to visit my... husband." I say reluctantly.

The guard turns around and looks up to Eren who was towering over him.

"And that so happens to be my wife." Eren tells the man. "Also known as the queen of this place."

The man sighs before stepping out of the way. "Since you know each other, I will allow you to go in but you, girl, are not the queen of any place."

"We will see about that." I say before making my way into the hospital garden with Eren.

We make our way to a bench sit down as we watch the stars twinkle in the darkness.

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