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I open my eyes to the sound of crunchy leaves. My feet weren't touching the ground but I was instead being carried. The sky was still sparkling with stars but the moon was setting. Dawn was about to come upon us.

"Where am I?" I ask myself. "I don't recognise this place."

I look to the person who was carrying me and see Levi. He looked serious, as usual.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Oh. You're awake." He replies. "We are going somewhere."


"When we get there, you are going to do what I tell you. Alright?"

"It depends what it is. But sure." I agree.

I look to see if I was in the same clothes - I wasn't which made me question everything.

"Levi? Who changed my clothes?" I ask. "I swear I was wearing a dress."

"I did." He tells me. "I couldn't let the other boys do it."

"What about Hange, Sasha or Mikasa?" I ask.

"Hange is always busy. And Mikasa... I just don't trust."

"And Sasha?"

"You don't remember? She died." He says.

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that. It feel like she is still here."

He stops walking in a place where the light of the stars and moon shone down on us. We were on quite a big field of grass and it was surrounded by trees.

He goes to the middle and drops me onto the grass. I land with a soft 'thud'. I now had a clearer view of what Levi was wearing.

He wore a long sleeved shirt with some black pants. He didn't seem to have grown in the passed 3 years. He had gained a bit of weight so now he was healthy. I remember he used to be underweight last time I saw him due to the lack of nutrition he had as a child.

"Have you been eating well? Did they at least look after you?" He asks.

"You could say they did give a lot of food apart from the war part. They didn't mistreat me as far as I know." I explain to him.

"Are you sure?"

"It will be over soon." She suddenly grabbed my neck and pushed me into the water.

I fall to my knees and curl up into a ball. Whatever this noise was, really hurt my ears. - it was unbearable.



"Why don't you ever believe me?" I ask as I look away from him.

"There is nothing to believe if you are always lying." He replies. "They hurt you. They starved you. They mistreated you. They wanted you dead."

"No. You're wrong."

"They used you. They wanted your power only. They wanted to throw you away like garbage." He continues.

"Levi. Stop."

I knew he was right. They probably only wanted me for leadership and power. But why was he saying all this? I didn't need reminding.

"Did they see you as a monster? Did you see yourself as a monster? Did people hate you?"


Then I saw something I don't think I was meant to see. A little flashback - or memories.

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