Moving forward

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As Armin was explaining the situation and the plan, Pyxis decided to take Eren on a walk around the wall.

They soon enough came back and stood at the edge of the wall. I lose focus on what Armin was trying to show us and stare at the two men.

The commander opens his mouth and looks like he is shouting over the wall. Eren soon steps forward. I wonder what they were doing.

I sneak away from Armin's group and crawl towards the edge of the wall where I see many, many soldiers and cadets. I go back before anyone spotted me. I see Armin with two members of the Garrison and I stay a few feet back so I don't interrupt.

Soon, the commander turns around to us and starts talking to the Garrison members Armin was talking to.

Me, Armin, Mikasa  and Eren stand behind some craters on the other side of the walls. They talk for a couple minutes before Eren grabs my hand and runs in one direction across the wall with Mikasa whereas Armin goes the opposite direction. What is happening.

"I have no idea what is going on but please stay alive Armin." I say in my head.


We ran across the wall with a few other members of the Garrison. It looked like I was placed with the Elite  Squad. They were talking to each other but I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

We stopped at a certain part of the wall and one of the members from the Garrison stood still and let off a green smoke signal, which meant the mission had started. But what was the mission?

Maybe it had something to do with that big Boulder that was in the middle of the street.

Eren tries to signal to me by pointing to the Boulder and the hole that was kicked in the wall. Was he going to lift that Boulder in his Titan form all the way over there to block the hole?!

We jump off the wall and fly towards the Boulder with our ODM gear. Thankfully there were not many Titans around. I look forward to where Eren was and he was practically next to the Boulder.

He bites his hand and a strike of lightning lights up the sky and Eren's Titan form is revealed. It had glowing green eyes and long black hair.

I stand on a rooftop next to Mikasa and watch the moves of the titan. I guess our main target was to clear the path from here to the broken part of the wall if there were any titans.

I look to Mikasa and try say, "do you think he will be able to do it?" Hooding she can hear me.

She nods to me knowing I can't read lips.

We look back and see the Titan staring at us. We widen our eyes and the Titan swings it's fist at us. We quickly jump out of the way. What's wrong with Eren? Did something go wrong?!


The force from the punch sent me flying. I ended up hitting my head on a nearby chimney. The last thing I saw was the Titan taking another swing at Mikasa. That's when I blacked out.

time skip—

I regain consciousness and see Armin and Mikasa next to me.

"Ugh my head." I whisper, starting to sit up.

"Thank the walls your alive. You hit your head pretty hard." Armin says.

"Yeah..wait.." I pause for a moment. "I can hear again?!"

"Wait really?!" Armin takes off the bandages that were covering my ears and have a look at them. "They've stopped bleeding too."

I look over to Eren's Titan. "Why is Eren just sitted down?" I ask.

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