A New World

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It has been a few hours since I last saw my friends and we were transferred onto a much bigger boat. It was made of wood and it had a massive log in the middle. Ropes were attached to the top and went to the sides of the boat. It even had a flag on the top.

I was tied on the side of the boat and many soldiers were keeping an eye on me. I was thinking of burning the ship down but I didn't know how to swim so I just relaxed while I still could.

"We have returned with a successful mission!" A voice yells and everyone on the ship starts to cheer.

The same soldier, that was called Yelena, untied my legs and she untied me from the side of the boat. My arms were still tied behind my back and they were attached to another piece of rope that was used as a leash. Yelena held that piece of rope and helped me get up.

"I'm not a horse so don't treat me like one." I tell her.

"You sure are a feisty one." she replies. "Now move."

Four other soldiers surrounded me in square formation. They guide me down a plank which leads onto a piece of land. I place my foot on the hard concrete and a shiver runs up my spine.

"Keep moving." Yelena orders me. I had no other choice than to do what she said. They had much more powerful things than we used to have so I couldn't risk losing my life without getting back.

I look up and see a massive crowd of people standing around us. They looked like normal civilians but these people weren't like the ones within the walls - these were the people from across the ocean.

"They are back!" A woman shouts.

"Congratulations Commander Magath!" Another yells.

"Look! It's the girl!" A man points at me. The crowd starts to cheer louder.

"Did you teach those devils a lesson?!" A voice asks me.

"Devils?" I ask myself. "Teach who a lesson?"

I look down and continue walking. There was a carriage waiting on the side of the road for me. It was much fancier than the ones back at home. I climb in with Yelena, the leader and a two other soldiers.

"Who are you?" I ask them.

"You can call me Commander Magath. That is Yelena as you already know - she is one of my most trusted soldiers." the Commander says.

"And the other two?" I ask him.

"You will find out when we get there. You will meet much more of these guys." He replies.

"There is more of you guys?" I ask.


We arrive at a large building a few minutes later. It was like a massive house - maybe it was a building for royals? But why did they bring me here?

We exit the carriage and approach the entrance of the building. There was a lot of people standing in a crowd next to us. Lots of flashes started to appear and it hurt my eyes.

"Make it stop." I tell the Commander.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" He asks.

"Listen here. I don't and will not take orders from you. If I say I want something doing, it better be done. Now make the flashes stop." I repeat.

"Is that a threat?" He looks at me.

"Yes and if nothing changes in the next ten seconds, you might not like what happens next." I say.

He stays quiet and does what I say. He orders the crowd of people to stop the flashes at us and to clear off. The Commander was clearly disturbed by what I had said which was great.

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