Changing days

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I run down the one way path, down the stairs and past the trio. I hear footsteps chase after me, closer than expected. I look behind me and see the trio behind me.

As I run, I feel someone grab my wrist. They swerve me around and back me up next to a wall. I opened my eyes to see Eren right in-front of me with Mikasa and Armin behind him.

He keeps hold of my wrist and asks, "Why and who are you running from?" I struggle against him not saying a word. I look down and don't look up. "hey. Are you okay?" he asks.

I look across to see Reiner, Bertholdt and Marco running towards us.

"I'm sorry Eren." I say before kicking him. His grip loosens and I manage to slip off. I look back and see Reiner and Mikasa chase after me while the others helped Eren. I knew I was pretty much screwed.

Mikasa soon catches up to me and attempts punch me from the side. She succeeds and I fall to the ground forcefully and I feel a hot shiver run though my back.

"Who do you think you are to do that. We have known each other for years now and you still treat us like this? Hmph. Pathetic." She says standing right in-front of me.

I shoot up and grab her by the neck. I had caught her off guard. I threatened her against the wall as she struggled to loosen my grip.

"You think that's pathetic? Let me show you 'pathetic' shall I?" I stare into her face. "I do whatever I want, whenever I want. What I did to Eren had a purpose, but I could kill you right here right now."

I hear another pair of footsteps come our way. "Woah. (Y/n). Please let go of Mikasa." I look over to see Reiner trying to calm me down. "We can talk about this alright?" I put more force on the girl's neck and she lets out a squirm of anger.

Behind him come running Eren, Armin, Bertholdt, Marco and Jean.

"(Y-y/n)?" I hear Armin stutter.

"Please let go of Mikasa. I know your upset about something or angry. But you shouldn't be taking your anger on other people" I hear Marco say. I mean he has got a point.

I look at Mikasa who was gasping for air and turning blue. I let out a sigh and let go, causing her to drop to the ground.

Armin, Eren and Marco go check on Mikasa whereas Jean, Reiner and Bertholdt came to me.

Jean puts his arms under my inner arm and restrains me so I can't run anywhere else or cause more damage. I don't say a single word.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Jean asks from behind me. "You could've killed her!" I don't say anything.

"If Jean let's go of you..will you please calm down..?" Bertholdt asks. I nod slightly. Jean puts me down and I go up to Mikasa.

"Hey! Wait no-" I hear a voice call out but I ignore it.

"I'm sorry, Mikasa. I don't know what came upon-" she gets up and pushes me onto a barrel and hovers over me holding me down.

"Sorry? What is stopping me from punching you to death right now" the boys dare not intervene.

"There is nothing stopping you. Do what you please but I assure you that if I die by your hands, I will haunt you with every single inch of my body for the rest of your life." She backs away.

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