Training (pt2)

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I had reached the main training ground at last. Not everyone was here, but the majority was. I had left the others behind knowing they would come back soon and ask am what happened back there and I was in no mood to talk. I wasn't planning to either.

It was time to do hand-to-hand combat.

"Find yourself a partner to spar with. Then you may begin." The commander spoke.

Many people had come to me asking to spar with me, but I was paired with this one girl, Mina. She had two low ponytails and a kind face.

"Hi! I'm Mina" she started off. "I hope we can be friends in the future." She offers to shake my hand which I accept.

"I'm (y/n)" I say bluntly. "Nice to meet you" I say trying to sound 'nice'.

She pulls away her hand and gets into her fighting stance. I do the same eventually.

I looked at her left hand and she clutched a wooden knife. Some cadets were given knives and some were not. I was not given one so I had a 'disadvantage'.

She charges at me which catches me off guard - but not for long. I move to the side, dodging the knife that came my way. She then attempts to turn-kick me in which I duck down and tackle her other leg. She falls to the ground letting go of her knife. I pick it up, turn her around and put it up to her neck.

"It was fun sparring with you, but you need to be quicker and faster with your moves." I say giving her advice. She sits up and I throw her the knife. "You'll be needing this." I turn away and find someone else to spar with.

I looked behind me and saw the group that I had left behind in the forest. They had quickly caught on to what we were doing and spread about the training grounds. Some of them kept making eye contact with me, making me feel uncomfortable.

I wasn't allowed to walk away from my partner unless I was ordered too. But who cared.

In the distance, I see Eren and Reiner sparring and Eren seemed to be decently well.

I try to walk away from them and keep my distance until I turn around and bump into someone.

"Oh I'm sorr-" I pause to see who it is. I look up to see a blonde girl. She looked like the one I saw in the forest. It was Annie.

"Watch where your going" she tells me and starts to walk off. "Idiot" I hear her mutter underneath her breath.

I don't move to look back at her. "What did you say? Repeat that."

"Forget it. I said nothing" she said turning back to me.

"You know something I hate more than Titans, are liars. And right now, you are lying to me." I say. I put one of my arms to grip the other by the elbow.

"Does it look like I care?" She asks me.

"I don't care how you look like right now. I want to know what you said about me."

I sense Annie get into her stance and attempt to kick me from above. But I simply lift up an arm and grab her ankle. "I don't go down that easy, Annie."

I turn around, still holding on to her ankle, with my blood-thirsty eyes. "Please tell me what you said about me before I get any angrier than I am now." I suggest.

"I said you are an idiot." She tells me. By this time, I am about to run back to my bed to scream into a pillow and some peoples' eyes are on us, but not many.

I let go of her leg before I break it. I simply sigh and walk away. We go opposite directions since I don't really want to encounter her again. But something felt off about her. I don't know what but there was.

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