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"Don't you know how bad the situation is?!" Someone shouted at the front of the crowd.

"Yeah! That's why we're doin' this!" I see a fat man at the gate say. "And if you guys wanna live, you'll give us some damn help!"

"To hell with that!"

"Its not going to fit through!" I hear people groaning at the man. I see a carriage trying to get through the gates but it's obviously too wide for it. By the looks of it, he wants them to help push it through.

I see a member of the Garrison being pushed to the front.

The fat man goes to his face and says, "Just try it, small fry! I'm the boss of this town's merchant association!"

This guy makes is starting to make blood boil. "If he doesn't move that carriage out of the way I might just end his life." I thought.

"Push all of you! This cargo's worth more than you can earn in your entire lives! You will be rewarded" he tries to bribe them.

Everyone turns around causing me to turn around. Loud thumps are heard and felt. I look down to see a soldier trying to run away. But from what?

An abnormal Titan comes from around the corner, kicking the soldier away. The Titan is around 7meters and sprints towards the crowd. I see the pedestrians try to get around the cart or over it.

"I start to pull out my blades until I see the elite squad trying to reach it. If it's the elite squad then shouldn't-" I think to myself before another person surpasses the squad and heads towards the Titan at excelling speeds.

I put my blades back knowing everything would be under control with her here.

She slashed through the Titans neck causing it to fall. It was Mikasa.

She stood on the Titans head observing what was going on. I flew down next to her and said, "good job." We both look down on the crowd.

"What happened here? Why aren't they all evacuated?" She asks. I point at the fat guy in the centre.

"He claims he is the boss and wants them to risk their lives for valuables" I say.

"Perfect timing both of you! Get these guys to help me push the cart!" The fat guy says. "I'll repay you!" Mikasa looks surprised at this point.

"My comrades are dying as we speak. Being eaten. Being devoured by those monsters. They are fighting because you haven't evacuated yet.."

"Of course! Isn't it your duty to offer your hearts for us?! To defend our lives?!"

"He is really testing my patience now" I try to keep it in.

"To defend our property of our people? Don't get big-headed now! We have business to keep the city going you know?!"

"That's it"I thought. I jumped off the remainings of the Titan corpse and make my way towards the man. I try to smile my anger off my face.

"You think these valuables are more worthy than your lives?" I pull out on of my blades. "It wouldn't matter whoever died, as long as you got your valuables?" I walk faster with my eyes fixated on the man. Two men try to stop me from getting closer but I kick them both out of the way. I hold my blade up to the man's neck, "so it wouldn't matter if you died right? As long as the valuables get through?" I ask rhetorically. I back him up against the cart technically threatening him physically.

"O-okay. Move the cart" he demands his helpers.

Soon enough, the cart is moved and people manage to get through. Me and Mikasa decide to get back to our assigned squads.

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