As the Nights Pass

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I find myself sitting on a field of grass in the middle of no-where. There was a massive tree on a hill in-front of me and there was a figure standing next to it. The silhouette looked oddly familiar.

I get up and start to stroll towards it. I reach the top of the hill and the person becomes much more recognisable - it was Levi. His hair was the same and he had that angry-glare he had everyday. I grin at him since I was so happy to see him and I go in for a hug.

He pushes me away and I stumble a bit but I regain my balance again. "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to see your face again?" he asks me. "It would be much easier if I could go back in time and if I hadn't met you."

"Would you like to forget about Isabel and Farlan too?!" I snap back at him.

"Maybe you should forget about them and stop bringing them into every conversation!" he shouts.

"Maybe I should've killed you all while I had the chance! Maybe I should've rained hell upon everyone within the walls! In fact, the whole world! If everyone is going to leave me, I might as well kill you all!"

"Wake up." he looks at me with tears in his eyes. I then come back to reality and find myself laying in my bed back at the mansion.

I sit up and see that Reiner, Porco, Pieck and Zeke were in my room. Everyone apart from Reiner was asleep. My gloves had been put on and the blood had been wiped off my hands and face.

"What are you doing here?" I question him softly - not making eye contact with him.

"This is my hometown. Rather our hometown." he answers.

"No. I mean what are you doing in my room? How did you even find my room?" I ask.

"Oh. You meant that. You had either passed out or fell asleep on the floor so after our meeting, we carried you here. Pieck directed us since she has been here before." he tells me.

"'We'?" I ask him.

"Porco carried you. Me and Zeke were ordered to follow just in-case anything happened." Reiner sits down on a chair near my desk.

I look at the others and they were sleeping peacefully. Pieck was using my bed as a pillow and her hair spread around her. Porco was sat on a wooden chair with his legs crossed and leaning backwards on it. And then there is Zeke.

"Does he always sleep like that?" I ask Reiner while pointing to Zeke. "How is he even comfortable?"

"He does have a tendency of sleeping while standing up against a wall. Welcome to Marley I guess. People here have very weird talents." he chuckles.

"I definitely think I would count that as a talent." I furrow my eyebrows at Zeke. "What time of day is it?"

He pulls out a golden, round object from his pocket. "It is seven o'clock. It is getting pretty dark isn't it."

I stare at him in confusion. "Seven what?"

"Oh that's right. You don't have technology like we do back in Paradis." he gets up and walks towards me. He sits next to me on the side of my bed and holds out the object in-front of me. "It's called a pocket watch."

I hold it with great care and investigate it. "Watch? Like when you watch something?" I ask.

"You could put it like that. It tells you the exact time." he points at all the small numbers on the outside of it.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

It made a very irritating sound. I tried to ignore it. "It tells the time of day with numbers?"

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