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I received news the next day that Eren was being held in custody in the cells below ground, so I decided to go visit him.

I sneak past the guards very quietly and make my way down the hallway. At the end was supposed to be where Eren was.

"Hey..Eren." I say. I'm glad he is doing alright.

"(Y/n)..your not supposed to be here!" He tells me.

"Keep it down. They don't know I'm here." I whisper hoping they don't hear me.

"What are you doing here anyway?" He asks.

I take a seat on a nearby chair. "Just checking up on you. Making sure they don't do anything stupid." I laugh.

"And why do you have a mask if you don't mind me asking?"

"I stole one from yesterday's clean up and also so they don't see my face when I leave."

He stared at me blankly.

"Anyway my visit time is over so I have to go now." I pull the mask over my nose. I'll be there at your trial I promise." I say as I leave the room and sneak past the guards one more time.

Eren had a trial today to see who had custody of him. The scouts or the MP's. If the jury decides to give him to the police, I won't hesitate to kill the whole lot of them.

I walk back to above ground and enter the dinner hall. I see Mikasa and Armin sat down. I think they were talking about the debate of Eren by the looks of it. So I go sit next to them.

"I'm not really sure." Armin carries in with the conversation, "but I think it's about what they plan to do with him."

"What do you mean?" Mikasa asks anxiously.

"My guess is they're going to decide if he should live or die.."

"What." Mikasa stands up.

The doors to the entrance suddenly open.

"Are Mikasa Ackermann, Armin Arlert and (y/n) (l/n) here?!" A man says.

We all look back to see who it is. We don't recognise him but he is from the Military Police.

"Yes we are" I say.

"You have been ordered to attend this afternoon's deliberation as witnesses!"

We are escorted out but I quietly separate from the group and head back to the cells as I promised Eren.

I reach there to see people already there. I see them putting handcuffs on Eren.

"Oi what do you think your doing?" I yell at them.

They stare at me for a second before a woman with glasses and a ponytail says, "you're that girl that Levi talks about aren't you?!"

I start to understand now. Levi has been talking about me within the scouts hasn't he?

"And? So what if I am?" I answer.

"He said we should be expecting you so great timing!" She says so excitedly, it gets scary after a while. "We put handcuffs on him just as a precaution."

"What precaution? He looks safe to me!"

"You know he might decide to bite his hand." She gestures.

I roll my eyes. "Okay okay whatever. Let's get going."

We walk down another long hallway that leads to the trial room.

"I'm Hange Zoë, a section commander in the Scout Regiment. And this is Miche Zacharius, also a section commander." I see a tall man with blonde hair. I know him. From a couple years back. He was the one who held Levi down when we were captured by the scouts.

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