Beginning of the End

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I was now in my Titan form. Normally, other shifters would have been placed in the nape of their Titan; but I was placed where the heart would usually be in a normal person. At least now I didn't have to worry about where my human body was.

I stood behind Eren as he was about to fight Porco. Pieck and Gabi stood near the edge of the building and tried to stay out of the middle of everything.

"I should really get rid of them." I think to myself. "But can I really bring myself to do this?"

"Do you need me to do it for you?" A cheeky voice entered my head - Cozbi.

"You are always so keen to do things like this." I tell him. I looked up back at the aircrafts. "They must've used the smoke and debris to find out location."

Small figures started to hop out of each of the aircrafts with parachutes. At this rate, they would be spread out all over Shiganshina. They would overtake the city.

"Porco!" Pieck yells at the Titan as she held out her hand.

He then used his nails to break the chain that connected the two girls; along with Pieck's hand. It was sliced clean off her arm.

I watched as she threw herself off the building and a large lightning strike hit the ground. She had no other choice than to transform.

Eren and Porco were also fighting while I was just stood there thinking of a plan. That was until I saw the Jaw Titan jump straight towards me.

I held out my hand and flicked my wrist upwards. The Jaw Titan then stopped its coarse towards me but it went up. I had used my air ability to lift him into the air.

I put down my hand and looked up. He was falling back down again and I saw Eren hold out his arm too in the corner of my eye.

Eren waited until Porco was right in front of him and then he swung his fist at the exact moment that happened. Eren had punched him so hard that Porco had flown into a different building.

"Are you alright?!" I hear a little voice from not too far away.

I looked over and saw that the Cart Titan's head was resting on the roof with its mouth open. Gabi climbed inside before it shut its mouth. Then, they ran off into the streets of Shiganshina.

"I really need to find a place where I can't be involved." I say to myself. "Eren probably has this sorted."

I looked over and watched him jump off the side of the building. People were shouting at him from behind me - Yelena and Onyakapon. Something about keeping him safe underground.

"(Y/n)!" Yelena yells at me. "Get Eren and yourself to come with us to safety!"

I didn't reply, not even with a gesture. I just stared at them before doing the same as Eren; jumping off the side of the building and running away.

I just needed to try and get up the wall. That was my only hope of getting away from this mess and I maybe could've seen the view from up there.

So, I ran down the one of the streets that was placed near the side of the walls. I specifically wanted to be near the outer gate that lead out into the place outside the walls. It would be easier to escape from there if I ever caught myself in trouble.


A loud noise came from back where Eren had gone. It was no doubt another shifter. Pieck and Porco had already shifted. Eren couldn't have been injured to the point where he had to transform again. Armin would destroy the entire place so that left one other option. Reiner had returned.

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