The Crown (pt.2)

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The maids had managed to get my dress on along with the corset on top and I was somehow still alive. It was a little hard to adjust to the tightness but I did eventually.  Diamond earrings dangled from both my ears and a gold necklace was wrapped around my neck.  Silver rings were placed on my fingers and the bracelets that were on my wrist glistened in the light.

I sat down on a chair as they started to brush and style my hair. It felt like hours that they had been talking to each other while doing my hair; it was starting to get irritating. I tried to keep calm so steam wouldn't rise from my head and potentially ruin my hair.

"It looks like you are ready to go." The maid who was doing my hair told me. I didn't bother looking how my hair looked since there was no time to fix it anyway.

"Don't I need something to cover my eyes with?" I ask. "I will scare people."

Lara walks up from behind me and places something in my hand. I look down and see a black blindfold in my palm.

"It will ruin my hair."

"Oh don't worry about that. We have plenty of things to keep your hair perfect." She tells me.

"Fine but if anyone mentions anything bad about it, the blame is on you." I reply.


I put on my blindfold over my head and over eye. I could see pretty clear and it was almost time to go. They put silver hairpins in my hair to hold it back and keep it neat. It didn't look that bad to my surprise - even though I did look like I was going to get married.

I stood up from the chair and turned around for everyone to see my outfit since they insisted. They all smiled and clapped.

"One last thing and we are ready to go!" One of the maids grab me gently by the soldiers and face me towards the door.

I heard little chatters come from all of them as they smiled and gasped. I feel something a little heavy rest on my shoulders so I turn around to see what it was.

There was a long red robe that trailed behind me. It had golden crosses on it along with fancy patterns at the end. It also had a white, fluffy outlining to it with black dots scattered on it. It was connected to two golden shoulder-plates that were strapped on my shoulders.

"Oh wow." I try sound amazed. "Thank you I guess."

"Come on then. We are going to be late if we don't hurry up." Lara tells me as she opens the door.

I take a deep breath and start to head out the door. My high heels click against the floor and the robs drags across the floor as I make my way outside with Lara.


"Oh. My. Walls." I say as I stare into the crowd of people that surrounded the streets. "I- No. I can't go out there."

"Why not?" Lara asks. "The whole military is here to let you get a safe journey to the church."

"Church? I have never seen a church around here."

"Maybe that's because you have never been to a church." She giggles. "I will be in the carriage behind you so don't need to fear."

"There are too many people."

"You used to fight Titan back in Paradis, right? If you can do that then you surely can't be scared of humans."

"Considering what happened earlier, I should be. Anyone in that crowd might want to kill me."

"You will be fine. You also have your ability too if you are in danger - but try not to use it." Lara starts to walk out of the building and walks down the stairs that lead to the carriages.

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