Start of a Final Battle

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The light grew larger and larger and approached me.

"Please stay safe you guys." I say in my head. I manage to get into a house and I sit in the corner. I put my blades back into their slots and I wait.

A large band is heard and the ground starts to shake. I heard the clattering of windows being broken and metal being thrown around. I look outside the window I came through and see debris flying past the window.

As soon as I see nothing happening, I stand up and make my way towards the window. I didn't see anything apart from all the houses that were destroyed. I make my way out and onto the roof.

I turn around and see smoke rising from near me. There it was. The Colossal titan. It was stood up and there was fire all around it. I look up and see rocks of all sizes flying towards me.

I kneel down and put my hands on the roof. "Protect me." I say. A large transparent orb surrounds me along with a ring of fire. All the rocks that came near me were broken into pieces. "I could turn into a titan and try defeat Bertholdt, but I can't beat him with me only." I say to myself. "He could easily crush me."

I take my hands off the ground and take a closer look at the damage done. It was awful. There was fire all around the Colossal and there was a crater from where Bertholdt had transformed. He obviously doesn't know where any of us are since he didn't come straight after us.

I jump off and use my ODM gear to try find my way to my friends when suddenly I hear many bangs come from the other side of the wall along with screams of soldiers. I change my course and turn back towards the wall - in-front of the Colossal. I could end up dying but I need to see if Levi and Erwin are alright.

As I get nearer to the Colossal, more rocks come flying my way. I latch the grapples from my gear onto the rocks. I jump and land on many in attempt to get as high as I can. I then make my way back to the wall.

I land on top of the wall and look back to see the Colossal making its way towards to wall. "Why is he coming here?" I ask myself. I turn around and see the Beast Titan standing up and preparing to throw something. I look closer beside it and see that their are multiple boulders. My eyes widen as I see Levi standing on a roof and looking down.

I put the pieces of the puzzle together. It was going to throw rocks at us so no-one can have a chance of killing it. I furrow my eyebrows and plummet towards Levi as tiny fragments of rock pass me.

I land in-front of Levi and hold my swords in-front of my face to protect us both. I look up slightly to see the houses on this side of the wall being demolished and soldiers being flung up into the air and killed. The scent of blood fills our lungs.

I lower my swords after all the rocks have reached the ground and we were safe for the time being.

I look towards the beast. "I'm guessing he is trying to play a perfect round of 'Swat the Soldiers'." I say.

"(Y/n). You could've gotten killed." Levi says from behind.

"But I'm alive aren't I? I was given a mission to protect you so that's what I'm doing." I say.

"Who was this mission given to you by?" he asks.

I take a quick pause. "Don't worry about it. Just really... really old friends." I make up an excuse.

"All troops take cover!" we hear a voice say from above us. Erwin was stood ear the top of the wall.

I look back at the beast, who is getting ready to throw another crushed boulder.

"Hey. Where are the soldiers looking after the horses?" I ask nervously. "Won't they be crushed by the rocks..?" I ask.

"Shit!" Levi shouts while grabbing my hand. "We need to get to them!" We both get up into the air and fly towards where the horses are kept - the nearest to where all the destruction is happening.

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