Why did this happen?

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Mikasa helps Armin up. "You can't possibly go out there holding another person with you!" The boy tries to stop them.

"Grab onto Connie, Armin. You'll be just fine. I know it." I say trying to give him some comfort of some sort.

Connie grabs his arm and starts running to the edge of the roof with Mikasa and I.

We hear a roar coming from behind us but we don't let it slow us down until Armin takes Connie's hand off him.

"Guys! I've got a suggestion." Armin starts off.

"A suggestion?" Connie asks.

"Continue." I tell him.

"But only you guys can do it so I'll leave the choice up to you. It sounds crazy but do you think we can use that Titan to our advantage?" He points at the Titan that was roaring and killing his own kind.

"That Titan?"

"To our advantage?"

"Yeah! It attacks other Titans and doesn't show internet in us. So we could lead it to the supply building so it can kill all the Titans trying to get in there. We might all survive!" He explains to us.

"Lead it?! How do you plan on leading that thing exactly?" Connie asks looking confused.

"It's probably fighting on instinct. So if us three take out the Titans around it, it will go looking for the nearest Titans from there which will probably be the ones at the building." I say trying to follow Armin's plan. "It will naturally go to HQ."

"If this works we could eliminate all the Titans attacking the HQ!" He nods at me.

"It's worth trying" Mikasa says.

"Are you serious Mikasa?!" Connie yells.

"It's better to take a gamble at this than waiting for our deaths." She says. "Let's follow Armin's plan."

"You want us to fight Titans with a Titan?!" Connie argues.

"Keep arguing Connie and we might die before we start." I glare into his greenish-yellow eyes with my (e/c) eyes.

He looks at Armin, "If we fail, we'll be laughing stocks you know?" He puts a nervous smile on his face.

"But if we succeed, everyone survives." Armin replies.

Mikasa is the first to renew her blades and sprint away. Armin tries to keep up  and I soon follow.

"If you don't keep up, Connie, you will die. So come on." I look back at him.

"Alright fine!" He chases after me. He lifts up Armin and flies off. I fall behind  them to make sure nothing chases after us and Mikasa stays in-front to take care of any Titans ahead of us.

We approach the titan the abnormal Titan who is already killing another Titan. He punches it over and over again into a building until it's not longer moving.

We manage to kill all the Titans in the way and hope the 'abnormal' sees all the rest of them at HQ. Which it probably did since it ran straight towards it. What was this Titan's goal?

We try to keep up with it as much as we can and soon enough reach the HQ. It looked like Armin's plan had worked!

"They're all yours!" Connie shouted stupidly at it, knowing it wouldn't understand.

It punched the first two it saw, next to each other and poking their heads through the walls. They both fall on top of each other and slide across the ground. The 'abnormal' let's out a roar of triumphance.

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