New Times

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A couple days later, I was able to get out of that hell-hole. The police finally left me alone and me, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Historia, Connie and Sasha were moved to a separate place for a couple more days. We were doing house work and general things for now since the Captain was gone for a while.

"Try steal food Sasha and the Captain might chop you up." I hear Jean say as he is coming in from collecting supplies.

"Did you wipe your shoes before you came in?!" Eren panics while asking Jean.

"You want us to wipe our shoes with all the stuff we are carrying?" Jean asks.

"The Captain won't be satisfied!" Eren yells.

"Stop talking! You're not my mom okay?!" Jean yells back.

"We are back." We hear Mikasa say as her and Historia come in.

"Were you out chopping wood?" Armin asks the girls.

"Yes. We have to stay in shape." Mikasa answers.

"Remember you not yet fully healed. You should be in bed!" Armin says.

"She didn't listen to me either. It's no use." Eren says.

"Why do you guys think we were chosen for the new Levi squad?" Jean asks.

"I think because protecting Eren, (Y/n) and Historia is our biggest priority." Armin suggests.

"Did I miss a meeting? Why are we protecting Historia too? Is she a titan-shifter too?" I think to myself. "I better not ask and just figure out for myself." I continue sweeping the floor quietly.

"Probably because we know them the best and we are the strongest." Sasha says while shoving something in her bag.

"What did you just shove in your bag, Sasha..?" Armin asks. We all turn towards the brunette.

"Its nothing bread related.." she says.

"For god's sake! Put it back." Jean says.

"Guys we have to focus on cleaning!" Eren says.

I keep sweeping for a bit and look up to Historia staring at me. "Do you need something?" I ask her.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't realise I was staring." she says before the door opens.

"What's the commotion?" the Captain walks in. He walks to one of the tables and puts his hand under it.

"Wasn't it Eren's job to clean the tables? He is screwed for sure." I say to myself.

The Captain was dressed in a clean, black suit with a grey shirt. He lifts up his hand and looks towards Eren. "I'm very sure I gave you enough time for this." Eren look so frustrated it almost made me smile. "We'll talk about this another time. (Y/n). Eren. Hange is dying to do another experiment with you both."

I stop sweeping and look up. "for goodness sake." I say.

--time skip--

We were escorted to the testing grounds and Eren was up first.

He transformed but looked different. He was much smaller and thinner, even his ass was hanging out. He fell down straight away.

"Oi! Eren! Get up!" Hange screams.

Mikasa jumps off her horse and runs towards him. So does Hange. I watch from afar and wait for my turn.

They try and lift him up but he was stuck. His face had blood dripping from it and Mikasa needed to cut him out.

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