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I had managed to get passed the crowd that surrounded the streets with a carriage and now I was headed somewhere else that wasn't anywhere near the mansion, but rather the other direction but not too far away. The sun was already slightly setting and I still had another few hours to wait before I could potentially go home. I could finally go back to where I was raised - I just needed to do as I was told precisely. I hated being told what to do but this was my only choice.

I was brought to a moderately large building and many people were stood in a line from inside it. It had many windows and looked very old. Lights beamed out from the windows and shone upon the ground in front of them.

It looked like all the people that were standing and waiting were the VIP's that were invited by Willy.

The carriage stopped near the entrance, where the people were leading into, and someone dressed in a black suit opens the carriage. He had blonde, long hair and dark eyes. It was Willy. He opened the carriage door and stood to the side, holding his hand out to me.

I stand up and make my way to the side of the carriage. I take hold of his hand, out of respect, and climb down onto the ground. I keep my hand resting on top of his as he escorts me towards the entrance of the building.

"I would have never thought you would've become queen, (Y/n)." he tells me.

"Why is that? Did you think I wouldn't be able to handle it?" I ask him as I raise an eyebrow.

He chuckles. "Nothing like that. We thought that you would have never returned or that those devils had brainwashed you to thinking we were the bad people."

"That's a bit silly thinking that they would do that."

It's true. The people on Paradis hadn't told me anything about who were bad - in fact, they didn't even know there were people out here. The people of Marley were the ones who left those "devils" alone on the island and they were inspired to leave them by my ancestor Aia. Sometimes I wished that I didn't have her blood in me because then people would follow me thinking I would be the same.

"So, what is going on with this so-called speech you have to do later?" I ask to fill the silence between us.

"We are going to spend a while here first before anything else so that guests can get comfy and settled. That's whether they are booking hotels and finding a place to stay." he explains. "As we are talking right now, there is a stage being built in the centre of town. That is where we will be preforming our speeches."

"Excuse me? 'We'?"

"Yes. Did no one tell you that you have to preform a speech tonight also?"


"Well you will have to think of one really quick or just make one up on the spot." he tells me.

"Can I just not do one?" I ask.

"The people came here for you to speak. You don't really have a choice."

We walk inside and walk past all the people who lined up to try get in by the desk. I had no idea why I was here or why anyone else was here. We walk through another set of double doors and walk through them where a large ballroom was revealed. Many people dressed in dresses, suits and lots more traditional clothing.

They all faced their bodies towards me as I stepped further into the room and they all either curtsied or bowed. I just bowed my head as I didn't know what else to do. They all stand up straight again and continue with whatever they were doing.

There were tables of food and snacks and there was a separate table at the other side of the room with wine in fancy glasses and other soft drinks. Wall lights were scattered all over the sides of the room and there was a large, crystal chandelier in the centre of the room. Conversations were happening at each end of the room along with the sound of laughter and giggles.

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