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The next day, we had to wake up early so we could train. I had done all this before and I don't understand why I had to do it again.

"We'll begin by determining your aptitude!" Commander Shadis started off with. A small group of us were told to buckle our belts onto the wires. I was one of the few to go first. Marco, Reiner and Bertholdt were next to me and saying things like, "you can do this (y/n).

I was lifted up and I got into formation. I had perfect posture as far as I knew. I felt eyes fall on me but I didn't take notice. I only focused on my posture.

"If you can't do this, you're not even fit to be bait!" The bald man rambles on. "You'll be sent off to the fields!" That is when I felt some people's hearts' sink.

Two men were walking around in the background. They looked like they were inspecting us. My dead eyes soon enough met theirs. I could feel they felt uncomfortable. They soon turned away and left.

I look to my left to see what people were giggling about. I saw Eren upside-down struggling to stay balanced. I am finally let down and unbuckled from the wires.

"Well done (y/n)" Marco starts off.

"Yeah! You did great up there" Bertholdt follows on.

Reiner puts an arm around me, "you will have to teach us your ways for your posture!"

"Thanks guys" I smile. Was this what is meant to have friends?

I look over at Eren who is still upside-down. He was soon enough let down and promised he would do better tomorrow. He asked me, Mikasa and Armin to help him practice since 'we were perfect'.

"Don't think about being fancy or anything." Mikasa explains. "Focus on your front and back balance. Then slowly place your weight into the belts on your waist and feet."

"You can do it if you just stay calm. Even I did it after all." Armin says.

I find it amusing to watch and listen to them trying to explain how to balance.

"You got any advice, (y/n)?" Eren asked.

I gave out a small sigh and said, "try to be confident I guess. But not too much."

"All right. I feel like I've got it." The boy says confidently. "Lift me up, Armin.

Armin pulled the crank which started to lift Eren off his feet. He starts to swing back and forth until he swings forward to much and knocks his head on the ground.

What should have I expected? I gave out a small sigh and helped Mikasa and Armin to get Eren inside to patch him up.

We patch him up and get him to sit down just in time for dinner. I then go to sit with Reiner and Bertholdt.

"Hey guys. Where's Marco?" I ask them both.

"He went to do some work he said. He told us to tell you he won't be able to make it." Bertholdt explains to me.

The bell rings a couple minutes later so we all get up from our seats and head out. I spot Mikasa mumbling something like she was talking to someone so I lean against the wall and listen quietly. I didn't understand but I'm guessing it was about Eren.

I then see potato girl sit next to Mikasa and just stare.

"A-are you going to eat that?" Potato girl asks Mikasa, pointing at her bread.

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