Hell on the battlefield

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"We will take down the Beast. You can count on us - I hope." I nod at Erwin.

"You mean I will, (Y/n)." Levi says.

I stare at him. "What do you mean, Levi? I am not letting you go try and beat that beast on your own! You have seen what it can do haven't you?!"

"I know what it can do, (Y/n), and I can take it down by myself. I'm not letting you get hurt!" Levi yells.

"Fine. Be that way - but just know that if you die I will fail my mission." I refer to the task that Isabel and Farlan gave me. I start to walk away back towards the recruits.

Levi was known as humanity's strongest soldier; his strength is equivalent to an entire army. He could possibly take down the titans but it isn't guaranteed he can. That's what worried me the most.

"Hey! All you recruits! Get up and line up - stay out of the way of fire!" I yell at the soldiers who are panicking on the ground and around their horses. "We have a plan."


All the recruits line up next to each other and behind each other. Commander Erwin stood in-front of all of us while me and Levi stood behind him.

"I'm announcing our final mission! We will be charging towards the Beast Titan on our horses and our goal will be to approach and rush the titan into trying to hit us with the rocks before we can reach him." The Commander shouts. "Just before he is ready to throw, we will fire our smoke signals altogether - this should manage to reduce his accuracy! While we do that, it should give Captain Levi enough time to reach the titan and kill it. That will be our plan!"

"Why is she here then?" a voice asks.

"Thank you for bringing that up. (Y/n) will be on top of the wall and using her titan to help the Captain defeat the Beast titan! That is all!" Erwin says.

Everything is quiet. No-one says a word. I watch as one girl falls to the ground and throws up on the ground. I look up at Erwin.

"If we stay here any longer, we are going to be showered with more boulders. Get ready quickly!" he shouts.

"So..." a voice starts to say. It was Floch. "Are we heading straight to our deaths?" he asks hesitantly.

"Yes we are." the Commander answers.

"Are you trying to tell us that... it's better to die fighting even though we are all going to die anyway?" Floch asks.

"Yes that is right." Erwin replies.

"So if we are all going to die, it doesn't matter how we die, it is all worthless, yes?" he asks.

"Yes." Erwin says. "Everything we do now is meaningless. It doesn't matter how much of a lovely life you had, or what your dreams and hopes were, everyone will die one day. Does that mean life is meaningless? Does that mean there was no point in being born? Could you manage to face your fallen comrades and say that to their face? Were their lives meaningless?"

"No the helling hell they weren't." I say. "Many people were killed. Your friends - the people who worked besides you! The only people who keep their memories going, are us. The living people. So you should all die knowing that we, the living, will carry your memories on."

"That is the cruel world we live in! Now get your horses ready soldiers!" Erwin orders. The recruits run to their horses and start crying to themselves.

I turn to the Commander. "Erwin."

He turns and looks down at me. "Huh?"

"Thank you for the past few years and bringing me here." I say while saluting him with my hand on my heart. He gives a small smile to me and Levi as he walks to his horse.

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