Final Authors note

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Hello to all you lovely people! I'm glad so many read my stories over this past year. I would like to say first of all that this will be my final authors note and before you keep reading, I'd like to put a TW since the next but will be a bit sensitive.





Still here? Okay! I have decided to end everything here but I thought it would be rude not to leave without notice. This is not a vent but it's just to say I won't be here anymore and I won't write stories. I'm not going to go into detail since it would bore you all but I won't be coming back ever. I will give my account to my sister however hoping she will finish my Demon Slayer based story. This account will not be active after then but don't expect too much for now. I love every single one of you and hope you all live long and well.
Farewell my friends - author

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