The Paths

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My whole world went blank. I didn't see or think of anything apart from him - Levi. The one who took me in when no one else would; the reason why I wouldn't have been here. The one who I loved.

"I wonder where he is now." I thought to myself. "Maybe he is thinking of me. Or rather he took that letter seriously. Wait." I paused. "Zeke got past him."

Then is was over in an instant. I came back to reality.

I clenched my shoulder as it ached in pain and I was falling down the side of the wall with my body faced up. It was definitely over for me to say the least.

Everything that had happened came back to my memory. I had been shot and probably had no choice but to fall since I was close to the edge of the wall.

The wind hit against my back and then around me, pushing me at a faster rate down the wall. I felt the end draw near.

I squeezed my eyes closed and hoped I would die in an instant or would at least land on something soft.

But none of that happened. In fact, I didn't even land at all. I found myself stood up and bowing my head towards the ground. Sand covered my feet.

I looked up and a bright, glowing tree took my attention. It was rather odd though. It was as if it showed... memories? Little diamonds leaped off of the tree and danced around, showing memories of my past and potentially other peoples' too.

Levi and two others helped me up and took me to their place.

Levi smiled at me.

"Don't forget us, little sis!" The two said.

I looked closer at that memory and followed it as best as I could. I wanted to remember even though I couldn't. I just needed to see their faces...

And I did! I managed to get close enough to see a glimpse of both their faces. A blonde boy and a girl with crimson hair. They were older than me and they always called me 'little sis' instead of my actual name. Then I had it. Isabel and Farlan.

"It's been so long. But I remembered you in the end." My mind was put at ease. I could now at least remember them in my final moments.

"Where even the hell am I?" I asked myself as I turned around.

Three more people were in this place with me. The sky was dark but not completely - a tint of blue could be seen.

There were two men with me - Eren and Zeke. It looked like they were already talking to each other. Eren was chained down to the ground by metal chains on his wrists, and Zeke looked like he had aged quite a bit.

And one more person. It looked like a young girl with grey-blonde hair. She was bowing down to Zeke as he stood in front of her.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about but I could watch from afar.

Zeke put one hand on Eren's shoulder and one around the back of his head. Next thing I knew, their foreheads were against each other.

I felt a little zap run through my body but nothing necessarily happened. The two boys were still. They didn't move or talk.

I watched as the girl stood up from the sand and began walking my way. She didn't seem harmless so I stayed in one spot. She strolled through Eren and Zeke and acted like nothing happened. It was quite odd but I knew who this was. I had seen her from previous memories.

She suddenly stopped walking and pointed at me... at least I thought so.

"You're the Founder Ymir then." I announce. She didn't answer.

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