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I walk down the centre of the carriage and try find my way back to my seat. I stumble from one side of the train to the other and I was really trying my best to act sober. Everything was spinning and moving.

Dawn was beginning to fall upon us and a small light shone through the windows. I eventually find my seat and sit down in-front of Pieck and Porco.

"So how did it go in there?" Porco asks. "You look absolutely awful."

"Did something happen in there, (Y/n)?" Pieck smiles at me softly as I start to zone out.


I stand up out of my seat and make my way to the centre of the carriage. "I will go shut them up a bit."

"Don't. Let them just have tonight. It's fine." Magath tries to stop me.

"It's not fine." I answer back to him. "I want to rest and I can't with all this noise."

"I thought you didn't sleep because you get nightmares?" Porco says from across the room.

"I thought you didn't go out unless you slicked back your hair perfectly?" The room goes silent. "Embarrassing, isn't it? Keep your mouth closed sometimes."

I watch him as he turns away and I continue my stroll to the next carriage. The chanting and shouting got louder and louder with every step I took forward.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Cozbi warns me.

"I think you are me, are you not?" I mumble so no one hears me.

"Oh wait! I am!" He excitedly says.

"Idiot." I open the door leading into the next carriage and I walk through it. I close the door behind me and see what is exactly happening.

The room went silent and everyone turned there heads towards me. Some soldiers were standing up and some were sat down. I saw Gabi on Colt's shoulders and she had tears running down her face. Colt looked absolutely unaware of what was happening.

"Isn't that... (Y/n)?" A soldier asks.

All the soldiers leap up onto their feet and make their way towards me.

"Thank you for saving us!" Some shout.

"We love you! You're our hero!" Other yell.

Some soldiers start to jump my way and attempt to land on me. I move out of their way so they all pile on top of each other.

"Come on guys. You've had enough to drink." I tell them all.

—flashback end—

"Please don't ask what happened in there." I lay my head on the table.

"Did they get you to drink?" Pieck asks.

"I did not wink at anyone!" I yell.

"It looks like this is where I step in." I hear Cozbi's voice before getting dizzy and having a sick feeling again.

I place my hand over my stomach and lift my head up, slamming it back down again on the table. It felt like I was being pulled away from my physical body. I squeeze my eyes close and wait for this torture to end.

"(Y/n)! Are you in any pain at all?!" Porco asks in a worried tone.

I tried to talk - but I couldn't. I open my eyes and see that I am no longer in my body, but I am looking at it from a side view. It looked like Cozbi took over.

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