New Arrivals

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--time skip--

It's been around 10 years since my best friends were killed. I still ask myself why did they have to die? If I had only said no, they would still be here. I only have Levi now.

A lot has changed since then. Levi was ranked up to Corporal and I was ranked to Sergeant. It was a pretty good life considering we had decent meals and bedrooms and offices. The thing I hate most is all the paperwork I have to do. I do get a break sometimes and leave my work aside but that rarely happens anymore.

Tomorrow was the day that new cadets start getting trained. The top ten cadets who do well will pick an optional regiment they would like to join, either the Garrison Regiment who keep a close eye on the walls, the Military Police where all the cowards go and they 'look after' the city or the Survey Corps who venture outside the walls and defend outside them to do missions. I don't know why anyone would join the Survey Corps as they are then asking for a death wish.

Today was my day off at last. So, I got dressed into some comfortable clothes and headed out of my room. I walked down the hallway to Levi's room to see how he was doing.

I knocked at the door.

"State your name and business" a stern voice came from the other side of the door.

"It's me" I say knowing I don't have to state everything. He doesn't say anything so I walk in by myself. He was sat at his desk with a cup of tea beside him, obviously doing work.

"Did I say you could come in?" He asked slowly looking up.

"I don't know? Did you?" I reply fiercely. He remains quiet. I walk up to his desk and sit down in-front of him.

"Watcha doing?" I ask out of boredom.

"I'm doing work."

"What kind of work?"

"Please shut up before I make you." he says not realising what he said.

"yes please" I say with a giggle. Levi looks up at me, obviously unimpressed which makes me jump a bit. "Jeez I'm joking! Calm down. I'll shut up."

He looks back down and gets on with his work.

"your friends deserved to die" I hear a voice say. I look around for the voice is coming from but I can't seem to find the source.

"Oi cow-face, what's wro-" I interrupt him, "Did you hear that?" He looks so confused.

"Hear what?"

"Never mind. It doesn't matter. I'm just a bit tired I guess." I get up and head towards the door.

"One last thing." Levi stops me.

"hmm?" I hum.

"I have noticed you are really lonely lately and really have no friends apart from me. You no longer smile as much as you used to."

"You are all I need Levi. Don't worry about me."

"Who will you go to when I die then?"

"Well.." I hesitate.

"Exactly. You will have no one. Which is exactly why I'm sending you to the training camp. It's been a long time since you actually trained or used the 3dm gear. So I would like you to go there to train and to create bonds with other people."

This was the first time I have ever heard him talk like that.

"You want me, a sergeant, to go pretend to be a cadet and train with them for 3-5 years? Really Levi? Sorry but I'm going to have to decline."

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