heart ??

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while walking away from Ayden I was pissed off when I got to the house my father was standing at the door biting his nails he only does that when he is nervous. 

"Eve what did you do ?" he asked 

"Nothing I just talked to Ace and your boss  comes in   in the car and told Ace I was his then I told him off 

"You did what ?!" my dad yelled  then sat down like the wind was knocked out of him 

"Eve may i speak with you heard behind us it was Ayden  i just turned to him crossing my arms 

"lose the damn attitude, "Ayden said 

"and if i don't ?"i asked 

"hmm, Ace Blackrose age Seventeen father Malcolm Blacklrose Mother Marire Blackrose live in Mansion 234 on st. vincent street i looked at him in shock how does he know all this about Ace so quickly.  that means he was gearing up to do something I knew it 

"you promised Ayden, "I said 

"i promise I wouldn't hurt him i didn't say anything about your father doing it I said I won't Ayden said I looked at my father who was looking in terror at Ayden 

"you don't own me Ayden, "I said 

"yes I do  bumblebee, "he said smiling 

"only Ace can call me that, "I said  he  looked at me with anger it didn't phase me at all 

"dad he can't kill Ace he is my first love, "I said running into my father's arms with tears falling.

"HE WHAT ?"Ayden yelled  and ran up to my father

"she didn't mean that Mr. Underwood right Eve ?" my father said looking me in the eyes pleading with me which I get he was trying to protect Ace 

"right he is my best friend, "I said. 

"I will be your only best friend Eve, "Ayden said through his teeth 

"what about Emily  are you going to try to replace her too?" I said looking at Ayden 

"if I have to, "he said 

"Ayden I will never forgive you if you hurt the people I love, "I said while a tear left my eye. he looked down then walked up to me he put his hand up wiped my tear.

" Why do you make me care so much you make me crazy Evelynn Whitmore? "he said kissing my forehead

"so you won't hurt my friends ?" I asked he looked down and looked into my eyes 

"I won't hurt them  or have my men do any harm to them if you agree to be mine in every way  "he said 

"what about your other women you think i don't know how a mob boss has  many  women in the beds ?" i said looking around his face he smiled then made his  face turned to stone  and grabbed my hand and kissed it 

"they don't matter you do, "he said looking up while smirking 

"how o knew it ?" I asked reaching his stone face he turned and walked to a button on the wall it rang a bell I heard feet walking toward us. then turned and saw around seven women in a line in skimpy tight outfits 

"yes sir, "they all said in unison one looked me up and down in disgust. then Ayden snapped at her she just put on a fake smile at me looking at mine and Ayden's hands together 

"you all can go to your homes, "Ayden said looking in my eyes not looking at any of them 

"But why?" one girl said it was the one who looked at me with disgust. Ayden looked at her with so much rage she put her head down and follow the rest. 

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