a real mob wife.

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Eve P.O.V. 

 i woke up to  my smiling baby boy .  he was looking me over. but once he noticed my eyes were open he hugged me  hight . i looked over and saw Ayden crying in his sleep.  i got worried so I picked up my baby boy was was happy just being with me. 

"shhh let's wake up daddy i whispered to James who smiled. 

"Ayden , Ayden wake up " i said sweetly because i don't know if he is a morning person. he opened his eyes wide looking at me and James. 

" what did i miss he said getting up  but he needs to know he cried in his sleep. 

"you cried in your sleep"that stopped him fake smiling I put my hand on his face he kissed it. i smiled at his real one .  I'm glad i made smile for real. 

"sir I couldn't stop her !"derek yelled sounding in distress. 

"Ayden you will raise this baby !" i heard Derek's voice.  it sounded like that whore i punched earlier james ran to me tp pick him back up when she yelled.  i looked at Ayden he looked pissed about her scaring our baby boy . but I'm fine i will show her again I'm the only woman that will have his children . 

"i thought i told you to handle her "Ayden yelled to Derek. 

"sir i couldn't in my good mind kill her when it a possibility that the child she carrying is of your blood. sir. 

"ayden you were going to kill her. ? I asked looking at him in the eyes. 

" yes like I told you are kids will be my only children in my heart and eyes Evelynn "Ayden yelled to make sure the whore heard him. 

"Ugh if she didn't show up you wouldn't be with me and our child " I heard the whore yell then Ayden looked down. he knows it's true if I didn't come he would be with her and the baby.  why am i such a fool for him? i believed him , about our children being his only children.  then I heard her say something about James.  

" then that little brat would have a real mother. that pissed me off. 

" uh uh Ayden take James please i said cracking my fingers and then my neck. 

"babe your heart," Ayden said . i just ignored him no one talks about my baby boy. 

" i need to fix something ok mommy's boy " i said kissing James' forehead .  then covering his eyes then he covered his eyes like i did . 

"Eve i can't loose you "Ayden said  pulling my arm i pushed him away . 

"i will be fine i promise " i said then his eyes went wide . i think I said something bad. 

"Derek protect Eve, "Ayden said out to Derek then I heard a grunt from Derek i guess he agreed. 

 then I walked out . the whore looked  scared. good, she should be . 

" what are you going to do I'm pregnant. " she said i smirked . 

"yea you are lucky you're pregnant don't worry I won't hurt you just the whore carrying you," i said to her stomach then I punched her in the face she fell back 

"take her out of here never disrespect me or my child again," I said. while she was taken from my sight. 

"wow you will be an amazing Mob wife " I heard behind me. it was Ayden holding James smiling and clapping. 

"mommy is though, "James said. 

"yea she is buddy, "Derek said clapping his hands. 

"thank you Derek i said smiling at him.  I didn't look at Ayden but I can feel his eyes on me.  . 

 i turned to Ayden who was smiling ear to ear showing his dimples i will be a real mob wife one day .  but not his mob wife 

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