my father'S sick sense of humor

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Ayden P.O.V. 

 when she winked at my father and he smirked . pissed me of I think he knew by how I'm driving over  00 mph to the house 

"slow down Ayden he said 

" why did she wink at you ?" I asked tough my teeth 

 he laughed 

" what can I say she knows good looking when she sees it looking at her " he laughed 

" haha funny old man now tell me why the woman I love winked at you and left me  and my son" I sais slowing down because I didn't do what I told james I would do and bring Eve back .  i broke my promise to my baby boy . 

" because you knocked up a girl and you knew it and tired to get rid of the girl and Eve heard  it " he said flat out . 

"  I want to get her back father " I said  .  

" you know we can't fight falcone " he said I never understood why we can't fight the Falcone family  they are in America and we are in Italy .  we are the largest Mafia family here. 

" why can't we fight them aren't we stronger ?" I asked 

" you don't understand .  son I use to work for old don Falcone coming up  when he lived here. 

"  oh so we do it out of respect. 

" yea so no trying to hurt the new Don if he wants her other than she goes .  besides she going to cal James like she said I saw the love she had for your son that  why I smiled while you fought  at the house . she really loves him with her whole heart and not you that why I laughed. " he explained  looking Me dead in the eyes .  tell ing me to back off 

" yes father"  I said  he laughed again my father's sick sense of humor . at m my expense.  he still laughing .  while we turned into my drive way . 

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