the phone call/ hope for us

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Eve P.O.V .

* james bedrom up top *

" mommy  sleep in my bed it comfy, "James said to me with a huge smile 

"Only if you lay with mommy ok," I said getting on the bed. James smiled and lay with me he cuddled up to my chest. he fit so perfectly he is my prince he owns my heart you so precious. I fell asleep with him .in my arms I kissed his forehead and brushed his hair with my hand.  he cuddled closer to my touch and I closed my eyes letting myself fall asleep. 

"Eve " I heard a voice say in my ear  I turned to see Ayden holding a phone with Anger in his eyes 

"what happen, " I said looking at him 

"Ace is on the phone, "he said tough his teeth 

" really I said smiling and putting James off me and under the covers he whimpered to the loss of my body heat. 

"Ace ?" I said grabbing the phone out of Ayden hand 

"Bee ?" he asked  in a cold tone 

"yes, it's me why are you mad ?" I asked confused 

"oh I don't know  I just found out my best friend is getting married and she didn't tell me," he said, 

" so  I heard you have a new girl?" I said hoping it wasn't true 

" yes, Haley is my Mate Eve you knew once   I found a Mate  I would be with her, "He said he's right I did know that but it still hurt. 

"Danny please," I said in a Sob. Ayden looked up at me.  with pity 

"I'm a sorry bee," he said 

"it's fine I knew it and I just tried to ignore I it's not your fault it's mine, "I said sliding on the door in frame and letting my tears fall. Ayden was still staring at me. 

"But.. " he said I just clicked the hang-up on him I couldn't take the pain he was my first love and I just lost him. 

"Eve, "Adyen said in a whispered looking worried about me 

" can I hold James? I said holding my arms out for him Aden picked up sleeping James and put him in my arms? I just held him tight and kissed him over and over in the face he woke up smiling at me.

"Mommy," James said looking at my tearful sad face 

" yes baby," I said wiping the tears his little hand grabbed my face wiping a tear then he kissed my cheek.  I picked him up and walked back to the bed and laid down 

" oh my baby boy," I said squeezing him tightly. he smiled I looked at Ayden grinning from ear to ear about us.

  "daddy come to hold mommy make her feel better, "James said to Ayden who came closer to us and put his hand on my hips and asked me with his eyes I just smiled he laid down and held both of us in James bed. like a little family. 

"are you ok ?"Ayden asked 

"I'm miserable at best but ill be ok as long as I have both of you, "I said honestly he kissed the back of my head and pull us closer  I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. he may be a cruel evil vindictive son of a bitch but he is caring when he wants to be. 

 there might be hope for us to work

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