explaining to James

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Ayden P.O.V. 

" daddy mommy is coming back right ?"James asked me while we ate just sitting in the living room after I calmed down I sat down and thought about eve she really is my heart I know we never did anything but play family but she captured my heart with her wit and cleverness. and how much she loves my son as her own.  and plus she is beautiful like a goddess, 

"of course little man she loves you more than anything but she is mad at me but she will not come back you are her little man," I said he smiled then it faded. 

" you are the reason mommy left," he said getting away from me he isn't wrong.  he walked down the hall close to my room.

"James " i said he ignored me. like Sara used to do when she was mad at me. 

"yes, it is my fault Eve left, "I said getting up and getting him.  I picked him up he tried to pull away 

" Why doesn't any of my mommy's stay ?" he said I saw the tears brimming in his eyes. 

" Hey Eve is coming back I promise she loves you more than me then I looked at what he was looking at it the pic of Sara and me when she was pregnant with James. 

"ok buddy," i said holding him close with one hand and grabbing the picture. 

" you know who this is ? I asked him.  he smiled then got sad. 

" my birth mommy," he said i never told him how does he know. 

" yeah how do you know ?' i asked 

" because i remember on  my birthday you come in here holding this  pic and cry about her .  and you said us Underwood men only cry over lost loved ones and my birthday is a hard day for you so i guessed daddy  but where is she ? he asked I felt a lump form in my throat  

" She loved you very much she didn't leave on purpose she was very strong but her heart was weak but she made sure you were here with me.  because she knew you would be loved and taken well cared for and happy " i said looking at Sara in the pic I still remember her smell and smile .  i knew i was crying so i held our boy closer to me. 

" isn't mommy heart weak  to daddy ?"James asked if he right eve has a heart condition.  I can't lose her also 

" yea her heart is weak,"  I thought about it and put James down on my bed. 

"Derek call the plane again i need to know if she is ok due to her heart. 

"sire she took her meds and I'm sure she is being careful . "he said 

" derek you are my trusted ally and I need to know if she is ok James asked about Sara and her heart .  " I said knowing my voice cracked 

"ok ill call sir i get it " he said failing the number. 

"hell can i talk to mrs Whitmore it please? thank you," he said then handed me the phone 

"Ayden why are you calling ?'i heard eve say in the phone.

"James asked about why does al his mommies leave him and they asked about Sara and her weak heart  then said you have a weak heart too

" Ayden tell him im fine and his mommy didn't leave him just you"  she said 

 " but thanks for worrying but im fine im close to America now . "she said.  then hung up . 

" did he really ask why his mommy leave him . ?" Derek asked 

"yes i explained to him about Sara."I said  hating the conversation i just had with my child and the woman i love . 

"but didn't tell him other grandfather?"Derek asked  looking at my father who is sitting on the chair across from him being quiet 

"No we didn't get that far due to he was crying so i put him in my bed  with the picture of Sara " i said feeling defended my son thinks that all the woman who loves him will leave 

" you know who could fix this in a heartbeat your mother " my father said looking up I guess thinking of mom. 

"yea she left me too that's why i know how James feels about Sara 

" hey your mother was a saint she didn't leave she was sick figlio" he said i saw the pain flicker over his eyes but he never shows its emotions 

" dad you call mom 's break down her being sick when it was your fault she had a break down anyway with your affair with Chole so how is my step mother doing ?" i asked knowing this would get under his skin 

" she with her new beau i don't care about her affair due to he is being watched by my guys and i didn't case your mother break down i already knew she had mental problems before we got married and had you and your brother," he said I just scuff at him while I turn i saw my baby boy face all red staring at me .  James whats wrong " i asked picking him up 

" i had a dream about mommy coming back but she isn't here  ?" he said in a  question but I knew he meant it as why isn't Eve here . 

" buddy i need  to talk to you ok i said  walking into his room with him in my arms 

" well here goes nothing i mumbled  how do i explain this to james . he discovers the truth about me and Evelynn. 

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