my heart is unbroken

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Adyden P.O.V. 

  both of us laughung sounded like  music she is so perfect. 

" will youever going to tell me ?" she asked I closed my eyes.  to fake sleep.  but I remember the rest of that day .  i was trying to fake up I ended up sleeping 

~  dream about that day. 

" she can't leave me " I said to Derek 

"sir you still have my grandson to love, "he said with tears looking at me deep in the eyes. 

"I'm sorry Derek for your lost " I said patting his back 

"she told us that her prrenacy was a risk  but she didn't care  she was happy with you and having you child Ayden " he said looking up st the sky . 

"sir would you like to hold you baby " the nurse said with James in her arms. i held him . and his little eyes opened he has his mother's eyes, blue as the sky .  he smiled. 

"il mio dolce bambino" I said holding him 

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"il mio dolce bambino" I said holding him 

"I will always protect you," I said smiling at my little man. 

"so will grandpa "  I knew it was Derek he is still on the other side of the room looking at his daughter. I turned to see my dad smiling at me. 

"ehi papa," I said he walked toward me

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"ehi papa," I said he walked toward me. 

mi dispiace per te perso Caro Amico" dad said to Derek .  Derek smiled and nodded toward my father 

" so let me meet the newest underwood " he said holding his arms out to hold the baby. 

"ok James you are going to Nonno for a minute papa with getting you back in a minute ok " I explained to James who looked like he understood me he just smiled. 

" hi my nipote"dad said cooing at the baby 

" so James huh " dad said 

"yes papa Sara wanted it to be that.  and I respected her wishes. but it's James Micheal Underwood.  so he is named after you so. " I said. 

"Derek isn't your middle name James, " my father said toward Derek 

"yes she named him after both his grandfathers. " I said not letting Derek k say anything, 

"ahh "James said in my dad's arm I ran up fast to see what was wrong with my son. 

"shh shh daddy here I said grabbing him out of my father's arm and rocking him  I worried I might hurt him. 

"you will do fine son, "my dad said smiling 

"thank you father," I said rocking James who falling asleep in my arms. 

" does my grandson have a room in that house of yours ?

"of course father that was the last thing Me and Sara did  is decrate and made a room for him close to mine .  he even has his own little bathroom attached to it . 

 and you hired staff to watch him while you are doing business right " my father said in a stern  voice 

" I have hired staff I trust to watch him sir," Derek said. 

"good. "I rather said.    turning to leave but turned back and kissed James' forehead then mine. he might be this tough mob boss but when it comes to his family he is big softy 

 that kind of the last time I've received affection from my father.  now he is al  work 

"Ayden, Ayden, wake up I heard opening up my eyes Eve was looking at me worried James on her hip smiling.  he really loves her. 

"What did I miss? I said getting up. Eves eyes never left mine. 

" you were crying in your sleep," she said.  then put her hand to my face.  i kissed her hand. to show her I'm ok.  she smiled i feel like how i did with Saea when I'm with Eve .  my heart is unbroken . 

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