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 Eve P.O.V .

Holding James i feel us in engulfed in warm arms I looked up it was Ayden holding us. i smiled at him he kissed my forehead  I put my hand out and he kissed it and leaned into my hand.  underneath this mob boss is a total sweetheart I don't get why he is a monster around people.  i know it a show to seem ruthless and to be feared. but I like Ayden like this he kissed James for head.  and smiled at me 

" I will answer all your wishes if you let me my love "Ayden said looking me dead in the eyes. 

 i don't know how I feel about him honestly do i even love him i don't love his monster personality toward people.  i mean I watched him strangle a girl in front of me with a smile. but the next he is a loving father.  it like he is a whole different person from me and James. 

"Eve ?" Ayden said looking at me James had a similar expression on his face

"huh sorry was thinking, "i said smiling at James avoiding Ayden's eyes but I could feel them on me .  i just keep looking at James who smiled and put his arms around my neck.  then finally turned to look at Ayden   and then look quickly at James smiling d i really want to marry a man who can be a  demon then an Angel in a snap  what if i anger him in any way what if he hurts me worst than that girl even if I'm his wife 

"  did i do something wrong my love ?" he asked  looking hurt looking  down 

"no just overthinking about if we get Married "i said his face shoot up so quick i thought he broke his neck .  i heard a pop 

"it's your choice  if you want to marry me but just so you know no one would love you as hard and as deeply as i will if you let me love you," he said looking deep in my eyes I want to believe him when he says it my choice .  but i don't think it is i can see it in his eyes .

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