we belong way below

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 "come on baby wake up i heard Marshall say rubbing my face to wake me up 

" oh im sorry i said  remembering what happen i feel so embrassesed  i noticed im in my room 

" sorry for what babe why didn't you tell me about your illness 

" i wanted to stay perfect " i said honestly then she chuckled 

" you are perfect to me "he laughed then kissed more forehead and hugged me I squeezed him back .  then he climbed into the bed with me so i cuddled up to him 

"  shes awake good "Xay said coming into the room 

" well hello to you too brother " i said he smirked but i know that smirk it's his  i had a hit done smirk 

" who did you have killed ?" i asked interested 

" Frank " he said with venom in his voice saying our father's name 

"just dad ?" i asked 

" you half-wit saved mom  from Jake,"Xay said 

"Jake ?"i said excited  Marshall grunted 

" sorry he was my sparing partner as a kid i haven't seen him in years" i said to ease Marshall Jealousy i guess 

" don't worry we will end mom at the meeting in two weeks here "Xay said 

" oh yea the meeting will i have to see Ayden " i said crossing my arms 

"not if you don't want to baby girl i have a plan to make him Jealous of us remember "Marshall said 

 then we heard running coming up  the stairs it was Zyann 

"Shes awake oh thank god and Evelynn don't hate me but i called Ayden to talk to your parents what i should look out for "Zyann said nervous  because of my stare at him 

" i get it its ok but Xay knows what to do where is Alica?"i said to him then he looked calm due to my smile 

" downstairs cooking even though i have a chef "Zyann said  smiling 

" is Zach with her ?"Zyan nodded 

" i know what she doing then showing the baby what kind of mom she would be i did the same with James.   i was about to walk out but i stopped and kissed Marshal on the cheek then smiled at my brother and Zyann then went downstairs to Alica listening to cold play and singing it to Zach who was smiling and clapping with her .

 " do t you need help ?" I asked she threw the fork in her hand I caught it two inches from my face and then looked at her like she lost her mind 

"oh my god im so sorry " she said i put the fork down and looked at what she is cooking  she was making chicken parmesan

" that was amazing "i heard behind me it was Marshall 

" Marsh I thought i left you upstairs?" i asked 

" you did how did you catch that so close to your face?He asked 

" she is highly skilled in life throwing and catching watch, "Xay said throwing a blade at me i caught it and twirled it in my hand  and there it back at him he caught it and smiled 

" you two are scary, "Alica said 

" yea we belong way below " i said winking at my big brother 

CHASING DANGER { AMTMP PREQUEL }Where stories live. Discover now