both his mothers

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Ayden P.O.V.

"She made  her choice and it isn't me " i said to my sister shocked face 

" you going  to live where i use to live with  a  dragon "Emily said 

" yup  and james is going to visit to see his mother," i said 

"both of them ?" Angie said which confused me  but piqued my curiosity 

"James how about you go into your room and play while the grown-ups talk, "i said  James ran into his room 

" ok talk what do you mean  both mothers ?" I asked Angie 

"im sure you saw her scar on her chest from her heart transplant three years ago she got it from a woman who died giving birth     when was james born.

"August tenth, 1997  

' ang " frank said  looking at Derek 

" i know Ayden that's the day Eve heart stopped    while she was out with ace   then they brought her to the hospital and found her a match of a girl who died that day . 

" so you are saying my daughter's heart has been with me this whole time ?" Derek asked 

" yes, so James had both his mothers with him this whole time. " Angie said 

" that's why she wanted to know " i whispered.  thinking about it . 


"hello yes  he is right here sir its about mrs whitmore, "Derek said i ran to the phone. 

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