feeling something for him .

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Eve P.O.V

 " it is real Eve, "Ayden said then grabbed James out of my arms and kissed his temple he really loves his son. 

"I want mommy, "James said I have to get used to that I mean I m only sixteen and now a mother to a five-year-old. 

" aw, buddy but Daddy wants time with you I said looking at Ayden who has a stone face but when James looked at him he faked a pout. 

"see you sare hurting daddy's feelings not playing with him, "I said then Ayden laughed but it sounds like crying  James looked at me and then hugged my leg and ran to Ayden.

"Daddy don't cry  I love you too," James said 

"ahh my buddy is back here comes the Daddy monster, "Ayden said tickling James who laughed at his father. 

"oh no James run away from the Daddy monster I laughed James came to me and we ran Away from Ayden who smiling o bright at me and James. 

" I'm coming to get you" Ayden yelled

"no not get mommy I protect mommy, "James said putting his arms out shielding me from Ayden . who looked at me and looked proud of James 

"good boy protecting mommy, "Ayden said James looked at me confused 

" you should always protect the people you love and take care of  Family "Ayden explained to James who looked at me then his father  and then grabbed my hand and Aydens and put it together 

"family ?" he asked looking at us both  but Ayden looked Nevous to speak he just kissed my hand . 

"yes baby I'm family I'm your new mommy " I sai hugged him Adyden came and hugged us both 

"and our bond is stronger than anything baby boy," Ayden said kissing my forehead then James' hair.  I looked at Ayden he looked like he was about to cry . so I  touched his face he leaned into my hand and kissed my palm.  i would be lying if I  said  I didn't feel something for him.  when he's being this good of a father and loving man 

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