i feel great

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 I as still upset thar Ace would say that to me.

" mon cher who upset you ?"Marshall asked looking mad i smiled at him I don't want Ace to die 

" don't worry im ok handsome " i said hugging him 

" who did it i promise not to hurt them he said but I hear the venom in his words. I know better being around mob bosses all my life to say nothing. 

" im ok really " I said  kissing his cheek 

" mon cher tell me please " he said 

" Marsh i know better than to tell you " i said honestly 

"  you know i can just recall the number i bet it was Blackrose " he said it scared me how did he know ?stop breathing i was afraid

" i was right wasn't I and breath my love please i won't hurt him if you don't want me to i swear on my life " he said crossing his heart with his fingers then smiled  

* ring *  the phone riged i hope it wasn't ace or Ayden 

"hello yes she right here " Marshal said handing me the phone 

" hello 

"EVELYNN MARIE WHITMORE YOU COME BACK TO aYDEN NOW OR ME AND YOU FATHER WILL DIE!" my mother yelled into my ear yo be honest i really could care less if they die due to they  used me to pay a debt  so they didn't really care about me i looked at Marshal he smiled 

" ok  then you will die " i said in a cold voice fighting the voice inside screaming  no 

"What frank she said she okay that we will die " my mom said I heard her voice crack 

" flower plea....." my father was trying to talk to me but i cut him off 

" you lost the privilege to call me that Feank " i said  i heard him sob i felt nothing . am I becoming heart  less ?

" Eveylnn what did you say to your father ?"mom said coming back on the phone 

" Nothing  that isn't true " I said  honestly 

" Eve toy need to come back to it....." she was trying ro say i inter rupyed again 

"  bo i don't  have to  to im with marshall Dragon," i said flat out Marshall smiled at me and kissed my  cheek 

"that's all u need to hear " i heaer Ayden voice on the phone  so i hug up 

" so how did that feel telling them that?" <aesgall asked smiling at me 

"Amazing " i said letting out a breath 

now they know i don't care about them like they did me .  i feel great like i can breathe again 

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