Am i Falling for him ?

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Eve P.O.V 

" kiss my ring," i said Marshall smirked but got on his knees and kissed my ring then kissed my stomach 

"hry are we gonna shoot or am I going to be stuck watching you two flirt ?"Xay said i picked up staring at my brother never breaking eye contact .  my gun and shot  the target right in the head without looking  just looking my brother dead in the eyes 

"Damn you are perfect, "Marshall said then i finally  looked away from my bother to look at Marshall 

" sorry forgot you can be distracted and still hit the target. "Xay apologized 

"Exctaly don't forget i am an excellent mercenary," i said smiling at my bother 

" how distracted can you be and never miss your target ?" Marshall asked 

" oh i can tell you ?"Xaay said excited  but  looking n at me with pleading eyes 

" go ahead big bro " I said Xay did a slient cheer 

" ok so were were in a bel tower in our old neighborhood  in new york and are target was this guy who owed our grand father money  and  there was this block party we had to be like only  sixty  feet from the  ground there was rides and hundreds of people but he bastard gett ing on a ferris wheel and my sister got him with one shot though people and everything  the music and noise but she got him by watching  she took a deep breath and took the shot he was gone " Xay explained 

"Marry me "Marshal said looking at me with pleading eyes on one knee   he is so cute   can see a life with him but  i want a life with him  and i generally can see falling in love with im  or  i am i  falling for him?

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