happiest iv'e been for a while

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Eve P.O.V . 

after  Ayden hung up i fixed my hair and put on some lip gloss before i went down tairs so I will look good for Mrshall.   i saw him standing at the end of the stairs when i peeked out my bed room door .  i have to look perfect i mean this man is so sexy but  he gives me whole different butter flies than Ayden does   why do i feel dirty for liking Marshall when im not even in love with Ayden but i know Ayden is in love with me .   damn these hormones .   

" ok get over it Evelynn you   don't love Ayden he just the guy you are stuck with because  of you parents you should let yourself be happy with someone you can actually fall for . " i said to calm my self then i checked my self over . 

"perfect " i blew myself a kiss   then looked at my outfit  the phone rang again but i ignored it  because i knew it eas Ayden again 

" i need to change "I saw my  cross necklace   and my rinstone up my shirt and fixed my makeup a little .  im surprised myself i look good  pulling my pants up i look good in jeans

 i took a deep breath and walked down the stairs Marshall was standing there and smiling from ear to ear 

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 i took a deep breath and walked down the stairs Marshall was standing there and smiling from ear to ear 

"wow mon cher you look amazing " he said holding his hand out for me 

"thank you "  i said smiling at him. 

" what does mon cher mean ?" I asked feeling stupid for asking 

"my dear in french," he said  kissing my hand 

" oh i like it " i said looking him in the eyes i was stuck looking in his brown eyes 

"damn girl you look good, "Alica said coming into the house 

" oh this is my first day back in the united states outfit. i said posing she acted like she was taking pictures with her hands we both started laughing at the looks Marshall and Zayn was giving us . 

"Da... "Zayn said then stopped when Alica looked at him 

" what were you about to say ? she asked  crossing her arms 

"huh Marsh  who called me ?Zaynn asked 

"underwood  ?"   Marshall  said  though his teeth 

"Ayden again ?"i said rolling my eyes . 

" not Ayden his father, "Zaynn said to me 

" oh the one who threatened life Underwood," I said under my breath 

"excuse me" Marshall said looking mad so did Zaynn  

" what did I say? I asked confused 

" he threaten your life while you are under our care ?"Marshall asked with s phone in his hand where did that come from?

" hey uncle Lucas we ... "Marshal was about to say something but Zayn put his hand over his mouth 

" 'ill call you back uncle," Marshal said  

"what the fuck man "Marshall asked his friend 

" wait until the meeting in two weeks and bring Eve as your date if he makes a move you have full right to take his life, " Zayn said with an evil smirk. Marshall said winking at me i felt my face get hot.

" what do you say mon cher ?" Marshal asked 

" go for it but don't end Ayden's life but his father is fair game  .  " i said  i like I will be Marshal's date and Ayden can't do anything about it  just lie ill be on Marshall's arm  at the meeting 

" i wont mon cher " Marshall said  cupping my face i leaned into his hand I loved it " what I wanted to kiss him right now 

 help im going for it " I said  kissing him off guard  i heard Zaynn and Alice whistling at our kiss 

" what was  that for ?' Marshall asked 

" oh sorry " i said 

"no no i liked it very much he said kissing me again 

"DAMN "  Zaynn said I laughed in the kiss 

"ok you two calm down just wait until the meeting, "Alica said separating us I hear Marshal whimper at the loss of my lips on his go he grabbed my hand. 

"ok dude you are playing a dangerous game what about Melanie? " Zyan asked Marshall  that made me let go of his hand 

"Who is Meliane ?" I asked hoping im, not the other woman to him 

"the mother of my son  she is with  her BOYFRIEND  and my son in the hotel so I can keep a watchful eye on my boy, "Marshall said explaining  so I'm not the other woman what a relief 

" so you have a son how old ?" I asked holding my hand out for him to take he kissed my hand and we intertwine our hands together 

" ok you two are so cute I say just go for it " Alicasaid clapping her hands I smiled I was happy with all there of them.  happiest I've  been in a while  but my baby boy last look at me  is in the back of my mind 

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