is it just a fantasy

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" you wish you could, " xay said with the blade I just there at him 

"agh marry me already Marshal said grabbing me up in his arms   the way he made me  feel  in his arms is amazing i couldn't help it i kissed him and said the first thing that came to my mind  and broke from the kiss Marshal whimpered from the lost of my lips 

" call me Mrs. Dragon," i said he gasped and then kissed me hard 

"  Rve what about Ayden?" Zaynn asked 

" i was forced to be with him  i never loved him i just love his son "  i said honestly 

"But he called you his heart "Zaynn said 

"Are you trying to defend him ?" Marshall asked upset  at his best friend 

"No I just know Underwoods don't let themselves fall  in love with someone that deep to call then their heart, "Zaynn said 

" Dude this girl right here is my dream girl and she is willing to be with me a Dragon the Dragon whose father killed his mother in front of him due to his anger, "Marshall said i cupped his face because i saw how much it hurts to talk about his parents. 

"  you can't keep doing the whole mom murder thing to get your way Marsh " i looked at Zaynn so fast to shut him up and said with my eyes try me 

"Are you guys going to do  the  exchanging of mob rings?"Xay asked  i was confused 

" rings? I asked  looking at Marshall  

" yeaa it means we are connected forever and you will be considered a Dragon  even if you aren't my wife "Marshall says while spinning me around. 

" really " i said he kissed me 

 is this real or is it just a fantasy 

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