the fight between love and hate

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Ayden P.O.V. 

After putting James to bed i had to call eve 

" derek what is falcones number ?" i called out to derek . 

"957443564119969"derek said out loud 

 i dialed and i heard her voice 

"hello " she said 

"eve don't 't hang up please talk to me " i said  plleding god i feel weak 

' ok talk she said with a sigh like talking to me was a chore . Does she hate me that much 

"damn i didn't know talking to me was such a problem " I said honestly 

"says the guy who nearly killed his own brother becuse he was close to the woman he loved at the time and that is the reason I can't show my interest in other guys becuse I don't want a person's death on my mind constantly oh and tell your father his threat didn't help you in any way," she said  wait that what he was doing while i put james to bed  that pissed me of he would hurt the woman i love 

" My father threaten you ?" i said upset then i heard a cock of a gun over the phone does she have a gun ?

"Ayden you aren't going to kill your father ?" she  asked 

of course not I thought that was your gun," i said 

" i don't have a gun " she said 

"no but i do I heard a man voice say over the phone 

"Marshalll  why are you on the phone ?' she asked him 

"im sorry  mon cher I wasn't trying to listen in I just picked up the phone im sorry," he said that pissed me off he called her mon cher s  he has a nickname from someone else already there. 

"why are you calling my girl  mon cher  ?" i said through my teeth 

"I'm not your girl just a girl that was betrothed to you," she said 

"oh so you are his girl," the guy said sounding sad. good, he should she is mine 

no it's not like I love him my parents owed him a debt and I just so happen to be the payment" she said but she right . she was my payment but I love her.  

"I'm sorry Ayden," she said it  sounded like she felt bad about stating the truth .  then he talked 

" ok il see you later  mon cher  I'm still downstairs." he said . i hear her intake of breath like she was excited that piseed me off . 

"im hanging up now !" i hung up and punched my wall.  i wanted to scream I need to get Eve back . i heard Derek's feet run to my room. with my dad behind him. 

"what happen sir? "Derek asked 

"Nothing just upset  you , you threaten her "I said looking at my father 

"you called her "?he asked 

"yes he did  and because you did that I might be losing her to some guy there she getting close to i heard their whole conversation.  and she said she doesn't love me and said you threatening her doesn't make her want to come back she needs to come back dad she owns my black heart.  and James loves her  but if i lose her it will be your fault old man " I said getting in his face 

"  do  you  remember what you did to your own brother   to get Sara ?" he said with a smirk 

"i vowed i would never do that in front of the woman I love again," I said through my teeth I saw my dad reach for his gun and pulled it out. derek steps in the middle of us  while I pull out mine 

"  you can plead your case to her in two weeks  at the meeting, "Derek said reminding me I lowered my  gun so did my father 

" you really love her, huh you would kill your father over her ?" dad said 

" in a breath," I said 

" just like I was with your mother," he said thinking 

" Well you almost lost mom because of grandpa, "i said  reminding him 

"I'm nothing like my father he threaten her life with a knife to her neck "dad said looking hurt 

" but you  still threaten the woman I love not by knife but by making her life a living hell," I said 

" dammit I'm turning into him," my dad said with tears  coming down his face 

"i never wanted to become him i promised your mother i wouldn't ever have you give me the look of so much hatred you are giving me now like i did him that day . im sorry my boy " he said coming toward me I moved away from him 

"ok i understand but i will make this right, "he said grabbing the phone  and dialing 

"yea hello Zayn can you please tell my daughter-in-law that I am deeply sorry and that my son loves her whole heartly  "he said winking at me , oh my apologize can you tell Mr Falcone what i just said thank you Marshall," he said  that piseed me off  he hung up and looked at me 

"  who the hell is Marshall ?" he asked 

"some guy who works for Zyan n I meet him last year sir at the meeting,"Derek said 

"does he live in Zayn house ?" i asked 

"  no sir he has a family and he is a Dragon," he said 

" the boy works for Zaynn and is a Dragon," my dad asked confused, 

" i think he is Zayn best friend sir, and nephew to Lucas Draco sir, "derek said in a scared f voice 

"so he is untouchable," I said though my teeth, of course, Eve is like the most dangerous man there she is a thrill seeker i love that about her.  but i hate him and how they seem chummy on the phone . . its a fight between love and hate with Eve. 

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