all I have is hope

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Eve P.O.V.

while kissing Marshal I lost all ambitions and when I was all of me was wrapped into him  until we heard Zayn cough 

" Sorry can we watch the movie now ?" he asked 

"I completely forgot "Marshal said winking at me I ct couldn't help but smile 

"Eve come over with me please ?"Alica asked 

while getting up to go with her Marshsl grabbed my hand and kissed   it I giggled 

"Eveylnn "Alica said i   kissed marshal fast and ran to Alica 

" what was all that with marshall she said while was;led into the back of the room 

"honestly i don't know i just went on my urges " i said honestly 

" see i knew it you are fearless you aren't afraid that a mob boss  wants you and has shot his own brother because of the girl he was in love with showed some interest in him what do you think he will do to Marshall or my Zyann for allowing whatever this becomes something," she said with worried in her eyes 

"they will both be fine the underwoods can't touch them, especially Marshall and Zyan  they are both untouchable," I said to make her stop worrying  but i don't really  know all i have is hope 

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