in love with my future

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Evelynn P.O.V. 

"Yea you're right she's on that blue ocean floor, "Ayden said I felt a chill go down my back so I move away from him but my baby started to move so I held him closer to me. ut I'm not afraid of him I knew she was dead but on the ocean floor. he said it with any emotions I mean that's the mother of his child.  and he knows where her body is. I just kept looking at his handsome face he looked as though he has fighting himself and worried about something.  he doesn't really have to worry I'm not afraid of him. I don't know why something must be wrong with me.

i saw him smile then stopped looking at me and James over.  I saw the fear in his eyes 

"Ayden stop we are ok, "I said he just nodded and grabbed my hand, and kissed it. 

"you aren't afraid of me ?"he asked I just swish my head no to him . he smiled 

"so  are  you going to tell me what h happen to her ?' I asked he looked deep in my eyes and then looked down 

"no i don't talk about April, "he  said  touching sleeping James' head 

"did you love her ?I asked 

"  something like that but I was never in love with her my heart belongs to someone else he said kissing my forehead.  but I want to know if I w il be compared to her 

"Ayden please tell me, "I asked pleading with my eyes. i noticed his weakness with me. 

"Evelynn  she is the past you are my Future," he said pulling me back against his chest.  then james moved and opened his bright blue use on us. 

"Mommy , Daddy, " James said  I love him calling me mommy I never thought I would have kids with my heart problem. 

"yes," we both said in unison we both looked at each other and smiled. I think I'm in love with my future why does it scare me . 

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