a demon in angel form

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Eve P.O.V.  

 yes I smacked that trick for calling me a bitch  and trying to take my man. 

 I heard what Derek said to Ayden I was standing close to the wall. I can't believe I almost gave  Ayden a  chance but I looked at my baby just standing the I have to remember why I want this to work is for that baby boy who owns my heart. 

"bravo baby "Ayden said coming closer to me. i pushed him away. then smiled and put James in his arms . then he smiled. 

"what the help you smacked a pregnant woman didn't your mom teach you better," she said smiling I'm going to wipe that off her face quickly.  and harsh 

"bitch you are lucky you are pregnant disrespect me or my mother one more time I will be raising your child and you are six feet under my feet  I said grabbing her face to look at me she looked scared good. 

" that's my girl, "Ayden said I looked at him quick. he stopped smiling, but then smiled hard to show his dimples. damn those dimples.  so I grabbed our baby and walked back  into the house . i felt Ayden eyes on Me I didn't look at him. 

"Baby "I heard him say  but I kept walking back to the kitchen . 

"ok mommy's boy help mom with the  bread can you try to put butter on it for me I said putting him n a chair with thre pieces of bread and the garlic butter. , he smiled and started buttering the bread with a plastic butter knife.  so cute .

"yes mommy " he said .

"fix it right Derek we heard Ayden booming voice say  to Derek 

"yes sir" I felt bad for Derek. 

"Ayden come in here !" I yelled I heard him sprint into the kitchen I didn't look up but I felt him behind me. 

" you were amazing out there I was scared of you "he laughed 

"what's  funny. I'm just a demon in Angel from Ayden Underwood " I said smiling. he looked a little frightened. . I love it. 

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