did i take it to far ?

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Eve P.O.V

 I  put James in his room and told him i would be back to nap with him later I walked back into the living room quietly then I heard Mr. Unwerwood. 

"you sure she will once she knows that baby is yours I lied the girl told me so I did a DNA test on the fetus it came up positive for or bloodline and I gave her to you and I never touched her but I know you did," Mr. Underwood said then looked at me then Ayden stiffens my blood was boiling he knew this whole time that her baby is his I can just kill him. but I won't do that to James. 

"Dammit," he said turning to me 

"just perfect, "Ayden said punching the wall it didn't scare me due to  all I see is red 

"Baby I'm sorry," Ayden said I just did a fake smile and  touched his face 

"you will be soon," I said then walked away from him. 

"What is that supposed to mean Evelynn "He yelled while I walked away.  I went into his room and got the bags my mother packed for me here. 

"Derek may I have a hand with my bags. I'm going on a trip  " I said looking past Ayden looking at Derek. 

"where do you think you're going ?" Ayden said 

"Back to the only man who would never lie to me" "I said  then I heard him grunt 

"you are not going back to Blackrose," he said then it hurt because I could never go back to Ace.  I know Zyan would never hurt me. 

" who said it was Blackrose ?" I said smiling back at Ayden 

" then who is it ?"Adyen said. 

"Zyann he is a total sweetheart "

SHE  Knows Falcone  ?" his father yelled 

"yes father they are friends, "Ayden said through his teeth. 

" who will pay for your plane ride there ?"Ayden asked 

"silly Ayden I'm friends with the Black rose family who has three private planes i still have clearance to go on at any time i want to 

" Elynnn what about James ?" Athen said knowing that would stop me from smiling. so I ran into his room. James was standing there smiling at me. so I got to his level and hugged him tight 

"James baby mommy is gonna go on a trip ok but know I love you more than anything," I said hugging him tightly.

" Evylnn " Ayden said behind me.  I ignored him 

" look at me " he said 

"Daddy mad ?"James asked 

"so is mommy that why she gonna go on the trip but I love you so much but i have to go, "I said finally looking at Ayden he looked so sad his whole face is red. 

 thank you Derek " I said grabbing my bags from him i kissing his cheek. he gasps. I hope I didn't just sign his death note. i looked at Ayden he has a small smirk on his face it was kind of scary I didn't care. 

" Evelynn can we talk "Ayden asked i grabbed the one bag I really needed with my id and passport and pills and my wallet I can buy clothes in America.  i grabbed the bag blew a kiss at James .  he smiled and caught it. . I started to walk out but Ayden caught my arm. 

"let me go " i said gettg out his grasp.  then I look at my arm his hand made a handprint in my arm. 

"uh huh  i said then walked past him than his father. I saw James hugging onto his dad's leg I have to be strong then I looked at my arm again 

 I saw James hugging onto his dad's leg I have to be strong then I looked at my arm again 

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" I'm a woman hear me roar," I said under my earth walking out of the house. letting tears fall from my eyes. i ran to the gate and looked back. at the house.  and saw Ayden standing there looking out so I just walked out the gate.  then I heard a scream. i just smiled, did I take it too far?

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