up and onwards.

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Eve P.O.V

 after hearing him scream i ran until i cam up to the city  i got to the local flower shop . 

"ciao posso usare il tuo telefono? i asked  the nice lady at the shop . she smiled. 

"iao m ovviamente mio figlio proprio laggiù" she said pointing inside

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"iao m ovviamente mio figlio proprio laggiù" she said pointing inside . 

razie, grazie molte" i smiled and was very happing i  looked iside and saw the phone. 

grazie, grazie molte" i said hugging her .  i ran inside and called Ace's brother who owes me a favor .

"iume Black Rose parlando,"  he said but he speaks English most of the time he must be around people . 

"ver ho bisogno di quel favore" i said  he coughed . 

"oh it must be serious you are speaking Italian " he said whispering into the phone .

sì" I said  the lady was looking inside . but i know she can hear me . 

" you need to leave Italy ?" he asked 

"yes, can i take your Jet please I need to go to America and the address to Zyann Falcone," i said the lady looked at me as soon as I said, Falcone? 

" oh he must have messed up," he said I don't think he is still talking to me because I heard  Ace's voice. they keep talking ignoring me. 

" ok, you can take my jet and driver to drive you to Falcone house ok and some money.  "River said then hung up.  I heard a car coming up to the shop the lady hurried in, I recognized the car from the driveway I saw Ayden's father's face in the diver's seat looking outside I hid behind the counter.  so he won't see me. 

grazie dovrei andarmene adesso" i said hugging her .  she walked  a door in the wall said smiled 

abbi cura di te, attraversa questa porta e dì che l'ha detto Lilly." she said opening the door and it was to the shop next door . 

grazie lilly" i said walking through then the guy next door nodded with Lilly and opened the door to the other store next door. 

grazie" I said  he smiled 

  they al opened their doors and i was outside then i saw the tea shop at the end. I knew exactly where i  was so i went into the phone booth to called  River back to have me picked up. from here. 

" Hello " I heard Ace voice say 

" i need to be picked up by River Ace," I said I'm still mad at him 

"oh there he is then Eve," he said  he said sounding upset he  didn't call me bee . 

"  yes beauty ?" River said 

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