she gets me

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Ayden P.O.V. 

"'m your new mommy, "Eve said holding my boy in her arms. 

 i don't know what came over me I had to have them both in my arms so I held them both and kissed her forehead and James smiled and I kissed his head 

"and our bond is stronger than anything I felt tears welling up in my eyes then i felt her soft hand on my face I leaned into her hand and kissed it to show her I mean every word. I guess you love who you love and I really did fall in love with her in one day. 

" madam you have a call, "Derek said at the door 

"oh have my parents left already ?"Eve asked Derek made eye contact with me he looked frightened about something but when I showed no emotion and just nodded he knows to just say it. 

"It isn't your parent's madam it's a Mr. Blackrose, "Derek said  Eve looked at my face I kept it calm and completely stoned. 

"tell him I don't want to talk to him, "she said grabbing my face I just let go of my anger with her touch, and I smiled at her.

"Ayden you don't need to do a poker face with me I know him calling anger you ok, "she said kissing my cheek. 

 she gets me so well. James looked at the both of us and hugged his mommy. 

 you're right my love you get me so well " I said. she just smiled.  saying nothing. 

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