confused emotions

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Eve P.O.V.

"mrs Whitmore only two more hours before we are in America," said the pilot over the intercom.  when we landed in Paris I went to sleep and told Alica not to bother me.  so I stayed in bed.  sleeping  i needed the rest. 

" okay thank you," I said snuggling back into the bed.  i wonder why im so tired then i remember my meds.  make me this way. 

"Eve are you ok?" Alica asked 

" yea i just can't wait to go back to America even though I miss James " not trying to show i would miss that bastard Ayden too but she knows i do. i can see it in her smile 

"And Ayden right?" she said holding the phone. 

" yes and Ayden? " i said  in a question mocking her 

" but you have that either devilishly handsome Zayn waiting for you," she says fanning herself 

" yea Zayn is handsome  but I am supposed to marry Ayden?" I asked to myself 

"do you want to marry Ayden ?" she asked  then I had to think about it 

"sort of but I'm not completely sure I mean I'm only sixteen  and have  the mob bosses like me 

" you are only sixteen ?" Alica asked looking at me up and down 

" yea why can you stop looking at me like that ?" I said  in my  try voice 

"yea sorry I'm only twenty-three and I can't even get a guy to look my way but you have three hot men looking at you. 

" Alica I'm sure a guy will look your way you are beautiful," I said grabbing her hands.  she smiled   

"Are you sure ?" she asked 

"of course how long will you be here in America?" I asked 

" your next flight back why ?" she asked confused 

" Zayn is single I mean I can't be with him  I'm betrothed to Ayden," I said her smile got wider 

"oh and his son is adorable and I love children, "she said. 

"ok then it's settled, "I said clapping I was happy I could help them. 

"yeah what is settled you think he will like me ?" she asked 

* ding * the seatbelt sign came on 

"looks like we are landing, " Alica said 

" then we can dye my hair brown, "I said clapping 

"you sure you want to lose its beautiful blonde hair "Alica asked touching my hair.

 i like your hair better "I said honestly ok are you even buckled in the bed? I pulled my covers up and showed her my belt on 

"good then im doing my job but you need to sit back on the headboard for the landing . " she said sitting in the chair near the bed putting the seat belt on 

"Mrs Whitmore it seems you have a surprise at the end of the runway," said the pilot over the intercom. i looked out the window and saw a car sitting on the grass it looked like  Zyann is standing there with Zach in his arms. but that made me worried.  about us landing fully. I pressed   the button to talk to the pilot

 are they in Danger ?' i asked 

"not at all Mrs they are on the grass just might have a lot of air rushing at them when we fully land. 

"oh thank you " i said back. 

"  aww that's so sweet,"  Alica said looking ou the window. i felt us land and i was to excited to be back in America I mean Italy is amazing back this is where I grew up.  once we landed i impavtly got  on the stairs breathing in the air  "im home " 

CHASING DANGER { AMTMP PREQUEL }Where stories live. Discover now