are you ever going to tell me

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Eve P.O.V. 

after seeing Ayden break down in full stare creeped me out a little. I saw him staring at James dor frame and with tears falling down his face then he grabs me and tells me not to lie about my pain . i think he was thinking.  of Sara, I really want to know what happens to her.  seeing my angel in his bed sleep but the moment I was close to his bed his little head popped up 

"Mommy," he said holding out his little hands for me. i stayed quiet and looked at Ayden smiling at his son so I picked up James and held him tightly. kissing his bed he cuddled into my chest so I laid us down on the bed like before. Ayden watched us and moved the teddy bear and laid down also . 

"Daddy, "James said turning his head toward where Ayden is standing with his little eyes still closed. 

"yes buddy I'm here we both are here, "Ayden said kissing James head 

" you both will never leave me?"James asked . 

"NEVER," me and Ayden said in unison.  then laughed 

"Baby I'm sorry for scaring you earlier I just had a flashback of .. I didn't let him finish. 

"are you ever going to tell me ?" I asked he just closed his eyes .   so I did to holding my baby in my arms . 

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