got me twisted

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I really hate doing this whole met the new guy lunches but I need to know what kind of guys I'm working with. I saw the newest guy working for me named Frank and his wife Angie Arguing but they stopped as soon as they where in my sight they knew better than to be acting out in my presence. Then I saw the back door open of their car and saw an angel looking around in a daze. but he moment she looked in my direction she was looking into my eye she fixed herself and then walked toward me with confidence.

"Hi I'm Eve Whitmore, " she said holding out her than for me to shake does she really not know I'm the boss I want to mess with her

"Ayen Underwood," I said she looked right into my eyes and looked at my face hard before saying whatever is on her mind

" that the last name of my father's new boss, " she said. I smiled she is so innocent.


"Do you know him ?" she asked I'm going to mess with her a little it so cute she doesn't get that his boss is me.

" you can say I do "I ay laughing she looked at me confused it made me want her more with her naive sense of thinking it is so cute . she has to be mine

" oh Mr. Underwood I see you meet my daughter Eve, " Franklin said

"Wait you are my fathers boss, " she said

"Yes I am, "I said smiling at her

"But you are my age," she said

" What age do you think I am ?" I said curious other answer everyone says I look to young to be a boss

"Sixteen?" she said questioning her answer that made me laugh

" yea I was six years ago a baby girl I said laughing some more but I leaned over when I saw her worried face and I kissed her cheek to calm her worries.

"But you look so young " she mumbled

I think she didn't want me to hr it but I id she looked at me again and was worried she kept biting her lips.

" Eve come help us cook " Angie yelled she looked at me than her mother but I wanted my angel to stay with me so I kept her gaze in on me so when she started to walk away I grabbed her hand to make her stay.

"Angie i think she should stay with me! "I yelled not breaking eye contact with her nothing is going to break me from looking into those blue eyes.

"Sir" Franklin said making my angel l break eye contact with me that pissed me off.

"She is only sixteen, " he said

"Iknow her age! "I yelled looking at him pissed off h knew to back down before I kill him that shut him up he sat behind me. His wife coming near him.

"Adyen" eve said grabbing my hand I think she was trying to calm me down. her touch did calm my fire a little.

"Eve I think you should call Ace, " Angie said that nade my fire burn a little. she better not have a boyfriend she is mine so I had to ask her

"Who is ace ?" i asked i guess my face was showing my anger she looked up and back down

" Boy . boy.. Boy .. " she stuttered

"Your boyfriend perhaps?" I said laughing trying not to get angry r with her I want her to want me as much as I want her

She shook her head no

That confused me then why does she need to call him

" then why do you need to call him? "I asked

" he is my friend I dated before, " she said like it was nothing that ticked me off

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