make her love me.

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Aden P.O.V. 

"ok buddy this isn't easy for me to say you, mommy, aren't here yet but we will see her soon I promise 

"You  promised she will be here   when I woke up remember! " he said  standing on his bed 

"James !" i yelled he sat on his bed  so quick 

" i know what i promised im sorry but we will see her soon at the meeting we go every year to America where she is " i said he looked up at me still a little upset i can see that he was happy to see  Eve soon. 

" do you think mommy still  loves me ?"he asked 

"of course she does she was only with daddy because of the love she has for you " I said coming to the realization it was true she was only falling for me because of her love of my son. she never really fell for me . that is why it was easy for her to leave me but not James I mean she was forced to be with me due to her parent's debt to me.  but I will make her love me as i love her, I hugged James and tucked him in the bed and walked to my room, and got upset. how will I make him love me? 

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